Good Morning! Filling in for the lovely Julie while she is at the beach, relaxing, getting a nice sun tan, and sipping on mojitos while we are stuck at home (or work) livin' the dream. Hopefully you noticed that my comment was dripping in sarcasm. I'm a sarcastic girl. Always giving myself and others a laugh. Oh, shoot, how rude of me not to even introduce myself to you. I'm Aly from 'Analyze This.' A lot of people ask me why I use 'Analyze This' as my blog title and I'm finally divulging the juicy details.....The word 'analyze' has my name in it. Don't see it? Let me help you.... anALYze. Got it now? Good! I'm a mid-20 something your old that loves Target over Nordstroms, a drive-thru over the best steakhouse and would love it if yoga pants were office appropriate! I over-analyze everything. My outfits. My food. The news. Men. My life....and the list goes on! To learn more about moi....see below....if you don't care, just skip right on over! Ha!

Every morning on my walk into work I listen to my iPod. I park about 2.5 blocks away from my building...then once I get to my building I have to wait in line for an elevator...then I practically stop at every floor. My office is on floor 16, so you can imagine, there are sometimes 15 other stops! But what my co-workers don't know is that usually I am anything and everything! Somedays I'm in a mood to learn 'How to Save a Life" with The Fray, while other days I 'Get' Low' with Flo Rida...
However, there is one song in particular that gets my day going. Every single day. I'd like to think of it as my theme song.
KT Tunstall, 'Suddenly I See'
What's your theme song? Or perhaps a song you obsess over and have on repeat ALL.THE.TIME?
Thanks Miss Julie for letting me blog in your absence! And thank YOU...yes YOU for stopping by today! Love y'all! Xoxo
Suddenly I See is one of my favorite morning songs too!
miss aly! hey cutie. love love love suddenly i see! it's a super awesome song and i love what you wrote and wedgies! EWWWW
My song is "The Way You Make Me Feel" by Michael Jackson or
"Thank you Lord" I just love both of these.
I love her blog =) and this song is such a good "theme song!"
I love that song. That is definitely a “on your way to work” song. I think of it like that because it was at the beginning of the Devil Wears Prada. If I had to pick a theme song for my walk into work it would also be a KT Tunstall song, Black Horse and the Cherry Tree.
I LOVE your blog! This is too stinkn' adorable! Your theme song is great.. and I love the idea of having a theme song. A song that I can listen to OVER & OVER again... a song that I just get tickled to death when I hear it.. & a song that I love to shake what my Mama gave to me & the song that I can song on the top of my lungs... is "You Shook me All Night Long" - AC/DC "Don't Stop Believn'" -Journey
Follows riight behind it!!! I'm your newest follower!
I love that song!
Love this song! Great post Aly :-)
This is such a great post, and I'll definitely be checking out your blog Aly, I definitely over-analyze everything, people actually come to me and ask me to analyze things for them because apparently I'm just so darn good at it.
Love it, and I'm sooo loving the new look!
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