April 12, 2010

Warning: She's cranky and rambling

Not so happy today, but 'Hi, everyone!' Man, was this weekend was crazy! There was a whole lot going on around this place and I am worn out. My house did get cleaned, though and I planted some flower pots outside, which I will have pictures of soon. Oh, did I mention spring break is over and I'm back to work today. Blah blah blah. And it seems that I'm not in the most chipper mood either. Apologies. A girl can't always be smiling from ear-to-ear. Even us southern girls. 

There's a little something that came up yesterday in my life that took me by surprise, nothing bad, just one of those surprises that puts your stomach in a knot for just a minute and then you kick yourself and cuss about why you even care. Did that make sense? Anywho, that happened yesterday and I'm a little confused. Geez, why am I being so cryptic?? Maybe because I'm not sure that certain people won't see this post.....and even then does it really freakin' matter? And to beat it all, my stalker factor just went through the roof, because I obviously care. I care enough to stalk. And be a creep. A creep that now wants what she can't have. Why is it when someone else has it, you suddenly want it??!!! And you know what just happened? I looked at the clock and it was 11:11. 11:11

You know, the time that you're supposed to make a wish. Wish that you could have what you can't really have! Damn. Damn. Damn. Yes, I am on edge today and feeling not like myself. I'm supposed to always be in control, and it's just not happening today. And I swear if one of the kids has some sort of crisis today, I will just lose my mind. Oh, that was very self-centered. See??! I've already lost my mind. My kids come first. And here I am worried about myself.

Ya know what else? This post wasn't really intended to be devoted to this one topic. I had cute pictures of my outfit I wore to church yesterday to share with you all and then this word vomit happened. Apologies. Again. Maybe tomorrow will be better and my head won't be in this freakin' fog of....crap. Sometimes things just really give you a kick in the ass, ya know? But for what? What am I supposed to learn from this? Things like this are not supposed to get under my skin. I'm the girl who doesn't care. At least I thought I was.

Please don't abandon me after this post. Like I said, it was word vomit. I just couldn't stop. I truly hope you all are having a wonderful day. I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully with rainbows and butterflies and sunshine.

(Photos via weheartit)


Unknown said...

ugh bad moods are the worst and so hard to get rid of!

hopefully your mood changes with this crazy great weather!

I'maNolaGirl said...

Everybody is entitled to a bad mood. I just hope your day turns around!

Anonymous said...

hope your day/week gets better!

Neely said...

Aww I'm sorry you're feeling down girlie. I hope your day gets better and you have a great week sounds like you deserve it! Treat yourself to a pedicure or something fun just for you! :)

Aly @ Analyze This said...

Hello dear!! I hope your day gets a little better! We all have these days...and be glad it's Monday that you are cranky! Not a Friday :) Hang in there sweetie! Email me if you'd like to talk! xoxo

Buckhead Belle said...

Oh girl, I know how you feel! I hate being in a bad mood, so it puts me in an even worse mood when I am in one. Hope you have a great day today! This bad mood well be behind you before you know it! XOXO

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

Sending you a smile and a hug today...feel better soon pretty lady :) XOXO

Anonymous said...

You are only human and thus, these days will happen. Just remember all the love you have here in the blog world! Sending good vibes and big hugs!

Twana said...

Love your heart. I have been there myself lately...It really stinks! I have so needed a va-ca from life in general something bad! So girl Im not sure what your going through but all things will work out, God's Promise!!

Kate Spears said...

hang in there cutie pie! life after college is tough and it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. i'm sure something great is coming your way!!!

love your blog!

kate a'la Southern Belle Simple

Jamie said...

Hope your day gets better girlie! Bad moods are no fun :(

Mrs Anne said...

It's a good thing that
a) this is YOUR blog
b) we love to follow you (good days and bad days)
c) you shine no matter what
d) there's always a bright side

i hope you can smile by the end of today.

sarah said...

Oh honey, what kind of friend would I be if I abandoned you after this post....you are REAL, and in being that sometimes you will have bad days, and as your friends we should be there for you happy or sad! If you need to talk let me know! you know where to find me sweetie!

Sarah Ann said...

Eat some ice cream and drink some coffee and be in a mood. And then feel better :)
Seriously, girl, hope you feel better!

Kelly said...

Sometimes it's those moods that make the sunshine, rainbow mood that much better.

Hope tomorrow brings the sunshine and rainbows for you!

Blair McLeod said...

thanks for sharing your heart. its refreshing.

I’d love for you to stop by: www.wild-and-precious.com

kelly anne said...

hey this sounds a lot like how i feel today. bleh. dang life always gettin' ya down!
i hope you feel better soon. :)

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

Hey cupcake, come on over for a visit, I have an award for you that might cheer you up :) XOXO

fleming Fab 5 said...

Sorry you are having one of those days. Hope you have a great day tomorrow. I love reading your blog and some days, when I am in a funk, I love to go to your blog b/c you are always an inspiration. Amazing what you learn from others in the "blog world" . Thanks for sharing your good times and bad.

Brittany said...

Everyone deserves a day to be cranky, even you! We'll (atleast I will!) still read your blog :-) Don't worry.

I hope things start to look up for you very soon!

Hang in there ♥

Traditions By The Seasons said...

((HUGS)) Don't be so hard on yourself, we all have those days once in awhile.

Hope you have a lovely day!


The WOW Series said...

If this "mood" has a hangover, which sometimes bad days do have... call up a good friend & just talk it out. That always helps. Or CRY! It's a good release. I had one yesterday too. I think my biggest mistake was not just crying it out to release the stress, cuz I woke up today in just as bad of a mood! Hope you're feeling better today :)

Nocona said...

I had one of those weekends too. I am sorry. It stinks to feel like that. Thanks for your honesty on your blog. Makes me feel a little more normal.

brooke said...

i've been a bit absence this week so i am starting here and moving forward...cause i have to get my julie fill...

oh hun! i hate days like this...i HATE not feeling like i am in control of my thoughts or emotions...i definitely hope your week has gotten better!!!