January 30, 2010

(Don't) Let it Snow!

Well, I'm snowed in. Are you surprised?? Last night just before I was going to bed I looked outside and there was a little dusting of snow on my car, no big deal. I was thinking 'Oh, we're probably not gonna get the blizzard they were calling for...' Was I wrong! I think we probably have about eight inches, maybe ten!

Here are a few pictures I snapped a few minutes ago...

I moved my car to the bottom of the hill last night so it didn't get stuck in my driveway. Right now, though, I can't even move it parked down there!

The snow blew into my front door too, aye yi yi!

 You can really see how thick the snow is in this picture. Look how beautifully it's laying on the roof, though!

So, I was starting to get a little bored and decided to try my hand at snow cream. Would you believe that I've never made it before? I was over at one of my favorite blogs, and saw that she and her kids had made some snow cream and she posted the recipe, so I thought I would give it a try!


I put in a little more milk than I should have, but it still turned out yummmmmy! My first snow cream experience was delish!

Today makes post number 95 for me! Wowzers! I'm thinking I may do a Valentine giveaway in celebration of my 100th post! What do you think?!

If you're getting snow, stay warm! If not, I'm super jealous of you! Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!



Anonymous said...

I am SOOOO over the cold and snow....I thought I lived in the south for a reason. {haha} It sure does look pretty thought! XOXO

Blissfully Enamored said...

i looooooooove snow ice cream!! my grandma makes it every year when we go skiing! it's only good when you have good thick fluffy snow....not the crappy 1 inch thick layer of ice and snow that we get here in Texas! have a fun day and stay warm!!! i would hate for you to freeze to death!!

Brittany said...

I feel your pain lol. In December, I was snowed in with 15 inches of snow. Today, we were supposed to get a dusting but now it's looking like we'll get about 6 inches. I'm so ready for spring time!!

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Yummmmyyyy.. and that is crazy you're snowed in!

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

brrrrr now that's some snow!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

We're getting snow, too! Stay warm! ~Liz

carolinagirl said...

Yay!!! It is so good, and I am chocolate person! The boys loved "doctoring" theirs up with sprinkles! Emma was also digging it! :) Thanks for the shout out!!! This weather is bone-chilling! Dreaming of some tropical beach!

Southern Belle Mama said...

Oh! I'm so glad you tried snowcream...we made some this morning and I've had 3 (yes 3) bowls already! It's addictive. :)

Kelsey Claire said...

I have always wanted to try snow cream! Here in Texas we never get enough snow to make any! Next time I go skiing it will be on my list of things to do!

meredith said...

oh my goodness, i can't even imagine that much snow!!

and a giveaway?? yes, yes - great idea! :)

Buckhead Belle said...

Yummy! It is freezing cold in ATL, but I don't think its going to snow. Sad!