October 19, 2011

In Motion

(Images via Belle of the Ball)


It's been such a busy week.
Sometimes, I just need a little reminder to slow down and be thankful for what's going right, instead of complaining about what's not.

Today, I'm stepping away from all the motions and saying thank you for. . .

Waking up this morning
Having a coworker bring homemade biscuits for breakfast
The rain that is sure to come
A colorful scarf to brighten the rainy day
A long talk with my mom on the drive to work





Lacey in the City said...

Cheers cheers cheers to all those great, right things!!! I am so happy that you have such a lovely beau who makes your heart flutter. I hope you keep remembering the great things about today!

(And it is gray and pouring here in Connecticut too!)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love these photos - especially the last one!

And I love even more that someone gives you buitterflies and makes you feel so happy. I finally found my happy 2 years ago, and have been showered with love ever since! :)

Hannah said...

Love those fabulous bird shoes with the blue dress. And I'm so happy about your sweet guy! You deserve the very best honey!

❤ Meghan said...

just came across your blog and love it! those are some great things to be thankful for.

Pink Champagne said...

He said it?! 3 words, 8 letters... oh my goodness! Squeeee!! Catch up session soon, pretty please? XOXO