November 24, 2010

(Semi) Wordless Wednesday: Excitement

 (Image via we heart it)

I haven't done a 'Wordless Wednesday' post in a couple weeks, but I thought today only pictures could express the excitement that I'm feeling. I found out yesterday that I passed my comprehensive exam for my masters program! Graduation depended on this exam, and I am beside myself.

So much to celebrate, so much to be thankful for this week!


(Images via we heart it)


Thank you all for always being so incredibly supportive and uplifting. I can't thank you enough! Remember to be thankful for the little things in life, the smallest things carry so much emotion. The holidays can officially start with a great big 'Cheers!'

Until tomorrow....

(Image via)


Music Info:
Artist: Madonna


The Simply Luxurious Life said...

Congratulations on the news! Have a lovely Thanksgiving and extended weekend. :)

Aly @ Analyze This said...

Congrats Miss Julie!!! :)

highheeledlife said...

Congratulations!! HHL

love jenny xoxo said...

Woo hoo!!! Congrats!!! That is awesome!!

Have a great Thanksgiving!


Jess said...

YAY!! I have to take my comps in the spring :/ I am so excited for you! Have a great Thanksgiving :) xo

Sassy In The South said...

"Keep calm and carry on" is my motto for the next month! I love the holidays, but I become so anxious during all of the hustle and bustle!

Brittany said...

Congratulations on your wonderful news!!

*** said...

congratulations! Enjoy the celebration ...

Lili said...

congratulations and happy thanksgiving day to you!!!!

Summer Athena said...

i am super excited for you. thrilled to say the least.

i love that little french finger man with the stache!

Suburban Princess said...

Congratulations on your exam! Good for you!!! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

DSS said...

Congratulations pretty!!

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving :)

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

Congratulations on passing those super tough exams! I remember when my husband took them... I paced the floors the whole morning, it was awful!

Celebrate lots and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Gorgeous pics by the way - you have such a great eye for beauty and color!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, dear!

Ashley said...

Congratulations!!! And I love the pictures! Now go out and celebrate!

I'maNolaGirl said...

I couldn't be happier for you! You deserve only the very best, and you deserve to celebrate this huge accomplishment!!!

Pink Champagne said...

Yippee! Jumping for joy beside you! Congratulations to you, Julie! XO

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

woo hoo exciting news Julie, congratulations!!! xoxo

Unknown said...

A big congrats on the good news, that is awesome! :-)

Lindsey said...

Awwww. I absolutely love this idea for a post! And of course the pictures you chose were perfect, congratulations.

Cailin said...


*Brea said...

Congrats to you lovely one!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Julie! That is so wonderful... you must be so proud. I am all over those yellow flats!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Beautiful! xo

*D* said...

Congratulations and Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on the great news! I love your photos and wanted to leave you a comment above to wish you a happy thanksgiving but couldn't seem to find the comment button on that one! Hope yours is a happy one!

xo Mary Jo

Kristen said...

Congrats my beautiful friend!!!

And Happy Turkey Day! Love the "Keep Calm and Gobble On" pic in your post today :)

Thankful for you :)

Elle Sees said...

ah those images totally make me smile! happy turkey day to u!

Michelle said...

YAY!!! Congratulations!! :D

You go girl!

Ashley said...

Congratulations! Thank you for taking the time a few months back to tell me a bit about school counseling! I hope to pass my exam when I get there! :)