September 10, 2010

It's Friday. I'm in Love.

Happy Friday, precious readers and welcome to another edition of....

I am so happy that it's Friday and that we're getting a little bit of a break from reality and work!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by yesterday for my tardy pink and green post! I do hope you enjoyed it! Today it's just like always, and I'm talk about some things that I fell in love with this week.

I hope that you'll grab the button and play along!


1. Getting my schedule finalized for the fall semester.

2. Going to the pumpkin patch and picking my own pumpkins! I will post pictures of my decorations very soon!

3. That nice win for the defending super bowl champs! WHO DAT!

4. These beautiful images from Wordless Wednesday.

(via Trishy and *D*)

5. Spending today with this lovely mama-to-be, her mama, and my mama!

(Taken at her brother's wedding last September)

6. This charming necklace from Forever 21 that I must add to my collection.
Vintage Bicycle Necklace

7. This amazing cause that I'm supporting just for Lisa....

Go here to read the full story that Trish wrote on Wednesday.

I did my own teal pedicure last night...

I hope you'll join us in raising awareness of ovarian cancer. Love you, Bumpkin!

8. I want to send special love today to the entire Bailey family, but especially Summer and Daddy Butch. You all know I just love Sum to death and when she needs helps I come running!

Please go visit her blog here and learn about what you can do to help her darling daddy.

Butch, if you're reading this, I'm praying for you every day and adore you as if I've know you all my life! I'm sending love and light down to Louisiana today just for you!


There you have it, dolls! Make today a wonderful day!

Check back in later for some weekend lovelies!




Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

The Saints beat my fantasy football team, darn! They looked good last night though.

I painted my toes teal, they looked awful (not my colors, doesn't match Lilly very well, ha!)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE those Chanel pictures. I've got a Lilly guest bedroom, maybe I should do a Chanel guest bedroom (with pictures, can't afford the real thing!)


Jamie said...

Can't wait to see all your fall decorations :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

DSS said...

I absolutely cannot wait to buy my pumpkins! I've got my mums already, and I'm ready to get this show on the road :)

I Do Declare said...

Pumpkin patches...I can't wait!

Beth said...

i'm down with #3! :)

Staley Mc said...

Love that cute bicycle necklace!! Great post! Hope you have a lovely weekend Julie!

Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

I just had to come back and say that I hope I didn't sound like a jerk!! I had NO clue teal toes were to raise awareness for ovarian cancer.
So, forget the matching with Lilly, I'll go back to teal toes, especially after Lisa....

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE that vintage bicycle necklace!

Lovely color for the toes! I'm sure Lisa would appreciate them!

Have a fantastic day!


Val said...

oh my!! Such great things.

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Love it. I love it all :)

Unknown said...

Hi Julie :)

LOVING this post.....gorgeous images!!

I am sure Summer and Butch are feeling the love this week, I am so happy for that.

LOVE this song - and the handsome Michael Buble sings it SO well!

Happy Week-end to you! xoxo

how i met your father blog said...

teal toes are on my list of things to do this weekend!!
what kind of classes are you taking??

thanks for the inspiration, have a lovely weekend!!

Mrs. Potts said...

Happy Friday sweetness!!

Who Dat?! :)

We have a tradition of going to pick pumpkins with the munchkins & then letting them decorate them. They love doing it & look forward to it every fall.

Hope you'll have a fabulous weekend!

MCW said...

I need to get a pedicure with some teal toes!

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

Hi my babygirl! Hope you had a fantabulously fun day with mom and friends! I am positively in love with your back to school girliness, I wish I had a rainbow of encyclopedias like that here in my office, so charming!

Woop woop, so excited for pumpkins and fall decorating, hooray! You've already got a head start, you are too good!

WHO DAT! Love you dolly! Can't wait to talk this weekend xox

Kelly Frances Dunn said...

Darling necklace...must go find! Everything is so sweet and your quite the saint for keeping the loving memory of someone in this world and to do good. Bless you!

Jen said...

I'll take the pink Chanel please! Simply gorgeous!! xo

Dawn said...

Just stumbled on your blog and love it. Although I'm a Vikings fan but I do love all the Coco Chanel stuff.

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

I am so excited for the pumpkin patch too,I was thinking about it today!