August 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Just for Our Bumpkin

I want to celebrate our Bumpkin today, and I want you all to join me! Information is at the bottom of this post.


Hi everyone. Now that the news of our dear Bumpkin's passing has been shared, I feel that I can be a little more open. I thought that taking a break from blogging would be the right thing to do. All I could think about was Lisa and the awful news and Captain John and what would happen to Lisa's blog, it was all just too much for me at first.

But Lisa doesn't want me to take a break. Lisa wants me to keep writing and posting and entertaining my readers. I went back through some of Lisa's old posts. Look what I found.....

"When someone dies, the best advice I can give you is to forget the bad, and remember the good. It rights you on the path of grief, gets you going in the right direction."

Lisa had written that last year. Can you believe it? It comforted me. I felt like Lisa was wrapping her arms around me and telling me that everything was ok, that she was swinging and smiling and just waiting for the rest of us to join her.

When I cry, I'm not crying for Bumpkin. I told Trish that I'm crying for the rest of us. The ones that were left behind, the ones that didn't get their fill of Lisa, the ones that loved her so much.

Last night Trishy called and said 'Guess where I'm calling you from.' She was on Lisa's swing, and she said it felt like Lisa was right there with her.

I got to talk to Captain John last night for the first time. He told me to give you all the message that Lisa's blog isn't over. There's more coming, don't you worry. Trust me, y'all, he's just as amazing as Lisa always told us.

I wanted to do a Wordless Wednesday today, but there was just too much to say. Things I needed to get out, emotions that I needed to express. I am so moved by all the love that has poured out of the blog world over the past two days. It makes me so happy. 

As I thought about this post and what I wanted to say and the pictures that I wanted to share, I thought about that quote up there from Lisa. I want to celebrate today just for her. 

Lisa, my love, these photos are just for you. Your very own Wordless Wednesday.....


(photos here)


Ok, this where you all come in. This is what I want to do today.

I know Lisa touched so many of you. I would love it if sometime this evening you would post a picture of Lisa's swing, as a tribute to her, as a celebration on your blog. Wednesday was her day here in the blog world. It was a day of beautiful pictures, Lisa loved beautiful things.

Today is her memorial, today is a celebration of her life.

Please join me in showing your love for our dear Bumpkin.

(Lisa's swing)

So, grab that picture up there and post it all over the place! Write a little something for Lisa if you feel like it.


I told Trish last night that Lisa is bringing us all together, and she is just smiling because of it. It's amazing how she's orchestrating this whole thing!

That's why we loved her, though.

Happy Wordless Wednesday, my Bumpkin love!

Music Info:
Artist: Michael McDonald
Song: Ain't No Mountain High Enough


Cool Gal said...

Even though I didn't know Lisa as well as you did, I was fortunate enough to get to be her friend, if only in the blogging world. Her witty comments and kind words would brighten my day. I, too, did my own special post for Lisa today.

I will grab the swing. What a fantastic idea.

Thinking of you during this most difficult time. I'm so glad you are finding comfort in Lisa's dearest friends and family. I know you all had a very special bond.

Mrs. Potts said...

Oh Julie, this is so beautiful, so touching, so Lisa. How wonderful to remember the beautiful being that she was. You're right, she'd want us to do that.

Our Bumpkin is bringing us all together. How beautiful she was.

Her swing was so pretty. I'll think of her every time I see one.


Lindsey said...

Julie although I didn't know Lisa through her blog until now - I can see how much she touched others lives through positive pictures.

i love this post, and how you are able to remember the positive things about lisa. my thoughts are with you and everyone else who was touched by lisa at this difficult time.

melifaif said...

She did know what she was doing, huh? I am full of tears and they seem endless. She brought us all together so we can support eachother in her absence. She will always remain in my heart and I will forever cherish the good vibes she brought! FLY FLY FLY dearest bumpkin. Peace be with you Julie.

Marcie said...

Amazing post, Julie! This has touched so many of us, and I am still in shock that she is gone. You are right though, that she would want us all to keep writing and expressing ourselves. She was so remarkable, and I still can't believe that someone I've never met could move me so much.


Pink Champagne said...

Sending lots of love and prayers to our darling Bumpkin, Captain Johh, her family, friends, and YOU! You couldn't have said it better... how sweet, fun-loving, witty, and amazing of a woman she truly was. The Bumpkin's swing is swinging high on my blog today, yesterday, and will always be with those she touched. XOXO

Anonymous said...

Ive been keeping up with Trish since Lisa has been on the break... I was waiting the return of our VERY LOVED Bump. :( So this completely breaks my heart..
Since the oil spill became a threat to our beautiful Gulf, Lisa and I have talked back and fourth via email and it's crazy how you can feel so close to someone you've never met. We even a few times talked of a meet up, since we are only an hour away from each other... She had such a beautiful soul and amazing pesonality. Love her always and it's not going to be the same without her, but I know she's going to be shining down on us, while swining away on a cloud in heaven!

And Julie, if you talk to Capt. John again, please give him my love and deepest sympathy!

Buckhead Belle said...

Julie, I love this post! So well put. My heart is broken for Lisa's family and everyone she's touched... but you are so right, she would want everyone to keep on writing. I know she is smiling down on all of us at this very moment! xoxo

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Gorgeous tribute hun... Lisa was just as lucky as you were, to have a friend like you, xoxo.

mrs.mfc said...

You did a great job with this post today Julie. I posted a wordless wednesday just for her today. That quote you found on her blog is just perfect.

Ashley said...

I didn't have the pleasure of getting to know Lisa, but when you speak of her I wish I had of. She sounds like a fabulous person and I'm sure that she is beyond thrilled with your tribute to her.

nomo wino daph said...

My heart is breaking for you all. Unfortunately I just came out of the private blogging world a few weeks ago and was getting to know you all & just discovered Lisa's blog. I am so sorry for y'alls loss. I now will go through he blog and "get to know her".
I know this, she was a lucky girl to have you and Trish & everyone else.
I will take her swing and def. write a post.
(((HUGS))) to you all. His love and mine, Daphne

Cheryl said...

I've posted the swing. My thoughts and prayers are with her friends and family.

DSS said...

What a wonderful idea!! I am going to post her beautiful swing now :)

And that quote...from last year. Amazing...

this free bird said...

Julie I spent the better part of last night crying my eyes out to the Chef and talking about Lisa. I found an email from her that said (in regards to the oil issue) I Will Never Give Up. I Refuse To Lose!

And that was Lisa. I didn't know her as well as you did but we sure did share some funny and touching emails and I will miss her dearly.

Thanks for sharing some news from The Captain and from Trish - and also the part from Bumpkin's blog.
So happy to see you back today!!


Unknown said...

I didn't get to chance to "meet" Lisa, but it seems I have missed out on a fabulous person. Your post was so heartfelt, I am sure she is looking down from heaven smiling. And I imagine she's found a swing there as well. maybe hanging from the stars. :) I'm so sorry for your loss. hugs

Morgan said...

So shockingly sad. I'm in complete shock. I'll absolutely pay tribute to her tonight. And love that we're celebrating her memory... how amazing this blogosphere is...bringing us all together... celebrating each others lives. xo

Screen Door Prep said...

I, too, wasn't sure how to approach a blog post w/out mentioning Lisa, but I was also a bit timid because my friendship w/ Lisa was so new that I didn't feel it was my place to write anything...

...however, your post gave me goosebumps & made my tears well up, & I am absolutely going to post the swing tonight & celebrate Lisa.

Many, many, many hugs & special thoughts for you (& Trish...& Lisa...) today.

Anonymous said...

Julie, what a beautiful tribute to your dear friend. I didn't know her but she sounds amazing. I am so sorry for your loss. xo

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I wish I could give you a big hug! My Bumpkin tribute has been posted. I hope she's able to read them all from Heaven!

Kelly Frances Dunn said...

Oh sweetie, I am so sorry! Both of your last posts are touching and I feel everything you have beautifully displayed. I didn't know her, but I love the swing. Swings support you and take you for a ride :) Big hug XO, Kel

*D* said...

beautiful post for Lisa! and that quote of her's is so true. thank you so much for sharing it. they're the exact words i needed to hear at the moment.

Anonymous said...

This is just such an enormous loss for so many people Julie, I am sad for you and for everyone Lisa touched.

Sending you hugs and prayers,

Jen said...

Seriously, what are we going to do without her??? I just can't believe all of this :-(

Lori said...

Julie ~ I am just reading this post this morning ~ what a beautiful tribute to Lisa. I did a tribute post on Tuesday:

Love the quote you found on her blog ~ she was a presence wasn't she? xo said...

That quote from Lisa/our Bumpkin is amazing, and the fact that she is actually offering us comfort through her own words.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I had a more removed relationship (bloggy buddies only). I did a tribute post yesterday, and I'm joining your following. As we know, Lisa would've wanted us all to keep connecting.
Blessings to you.