July 23, 2010

Oh, the possibilities!


Well, the weekend is here again...almost. First, we must celebrate Friday!

I do love Friday, even in the summer time. There's just something so celebratory about the last day of the work week, even when I'm not working!

So, let's fall in love today with all the possibilities that could happen this weekend....


You could....

Sleep late

Get up early

Get a golden tan by the pool

Or on the beach

Meet up with friends for coffee

Do a little blogging

Study, like I will be doing

Send mail to a friend

Do some shopping, thrifting, or antiquing

 Catch fireflies

Arrange a beautiful bouquet

Go to the farmer's market

 Love on your animals

Love on your sweetie

So many options! What will you be doing this weekend?


Music Info:
Artist: Al Green
Song: Love and Happiness


Tiffany said...

What an awesome post from the gorgeous pictures to the lovely music! Needed that pick me up! Have a fabulous weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post! I love your pictures! I wouldn't mind doing some fun things this weekend but unfortunately I'm working.

Cool Gal said...

Since my son was invited to a weekend getaway with a friend, I think I'll be lovin' my sweetie. Our anniversary is coming up and we will not be able to go out and celebrate the actual day. So, I think this will have to be the weekend. Yay!

Sleeping late sounds (love the image of the girl sleeping in the poppies.) good as does the farmer's market.

I'm wishing you a great weekend, too!

I'maNolaGirl said...

This post is so full of fun options, I don't know what I want to do more, sleep in or wake up early!

We'll go to our garden party supper club tonight, and then tomorrow we'll spend the afternoon relaxing on a friend's boat. Not too shabby!

Staley Mc said...

All of these pictures look like a great weekend! Hope you have a great one Julie!

Anonymous said...

I will be doing lots of these, coffee+shopping with friends, beach, writing letters to my boy and OBVIOUSLY blogging too :)

MCW said...

This is probably one of my most favorite posts you have done! Love it. Made me smile...what about "fall in love"???? That one should have been included. You never know!

Mama Pea said...

Oh how I would love to take a nice long nap in a field of flowers like in the 1st picture... Zzzz :)

Sweet Carolina Girl said...

Yay! Love the pictures! I am ready for the weekend now!
This weekend my husband and I will be doing some painting in our house! :)

Jessica said...

Gosh. I wish I could blog in front of the Eiffel Tower!!!


Hi sweetie! Sorry I haven't been around this week. Things have been crazy with bday festivities but I just read back and found out about your Aunt. I'm sending you and your family good positive thoughts. I know how cancer effects people. My father-in-law passed away 6years ago and then my best friend last April from breast cancer and this April I just found out that my other best friend has brain cancer. It's a horrible disease but there have been so many advances. Positivity and strength are key. I'm hoping and praying for the best for your Aunt.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, sweetie. Hugs & kisses! xoxo

Kate Spears said...

just wanted to say that your thank you video touched me so much....i loved hearing your sweet voice. even though i feel like i know you a little bit thru the world of blogging, just seeing you open your heart in the video endeared me to you that much more. i will continue to pray for your precious aunt and hope you have a wonderful weekend sweet girl! much love!

Venassa said...

I wish I could blog with the amazing view in front of me!
I will be catching up with friends, but I will also be working all weekend.

Heather said...

I'll be celebrating 2 of my BFF's bdays and being glad DH is back in town from working. :) Have a fab weekend!

Pink Champagne said...

All FABULOUS weekend options! Happy Friday, love!

Anonymous said...

What pretty pics.! Love the meet friends for coffee idea! I don't have any plans for this weekend, some times that is the best thing! Hope you have a wonderful day. xo

Shelley said...

I loved your personal video yesterday! Your accent is adorable :-)

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Great post. Im going to be doing a lot of resting and thrifitng!

Lindsey said...

Sleeping late, shopping, blogging, and snuggling with my sweetie are on my list!! =)

Cute post! Have a great weekend girlie!

Anonymous said...

Spending the most amazing time with my family, singing, laughing, talking...everything that I love doing but with the people I love! Can't get better than that! Oh and catching some fireflies, because they are EVERYWHERE down here!

Have a fab weekend doll!

Valerie said...

Hope you have a great weekend, Julie! I'm hoping to hit the beach, do a little shopping with friends, and relax. :)


Kelly-Marie said...

Lovely post. :)

I'll probably be sleeping in late, as well as going bowling with a couple of friends, then probably just relax in the ac since it's going to be feeling like 110 degrees here for the next few days.

Have a wonderful weekend.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Can you put a call in to the dude and tell him mama wants to sleep late?

I Do Declare said...

Way to take us into the weekend with a little whimsy....Happy Friday to you!

Charleston Girl said...

Hey lady..happy Friday to you! I gave you an award on my blog today! Thx for being you!

Mimi said...

i love the catch fireflies one. what i plan to be doing today is blog for a bit, catch up with studying, and curl up with a good book. hope you have a wonderful weekend! :D

<3, Mimi

this free bird said...

I'm thinking I'd like to get outside and just breathe a little. It's been a wild week.

Have a great weekend Julie!

Marcie said...

Sleep late and tan! check and check!

I love the photos, Julie!

xo Marcie

Unknown said...

Sooo cute, I want to do it all:-) Lol

P.S. I Looooove me some Al Green, great music pick!!!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to catch fireflies. I haven't done that since I was a child in Virginia...

Following your blog too! Can't wait to share teacher stories :)

Have a great weekend!

living well said...

Happy weekend! I'm definitely sleeping late! :)

Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

I think all of the above sounds fabulous!

Claire Kiefer said...

I will be doing a few of those things this weekend! Although I have to admit, fireflies make me really nostalgic . . . fireflies are one of the things I miss most about the south (we don't have them in California)!

What are you studying for this summer??

xoxoxo Julie! happy weekend!

its simple love said...

I just love this post. These are all things I would be doing on a regular weekend. And this weekend I am up early for a phone interview. Gottah love those on a Saturday morning right? ha.


Karen said...

Hi, just found your blog. What a fun post. I totally agree with you that Friday has a special feel. I don't work an 8-5 job anymore, but I do remember the feeling I got around 4 on Friday afternoons. Weekends are the best. We like coffee and the paper in bed, visiting bookstores, shopping, and dinner with friends.

Kristen said...

I want to do all of these things...

The first pic with the balloons makes my heart soar... I adore balloons! And the leopard bikini in one of the pics has me swooning... this post is just all kinds of fabulous (like you!).

Poppies and Sunshine said...

I love this post!!! Just lovely lovely pictures! I did some thrifting this weekend :) A whole big box of treasures for only $3!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend!!