March 19, 2010

It's Friday and I'm in LOVE!

Hello, everyone! It's Friday, and I'm taking part in Summer B's 'It's Friday, I'm in Love Series' for the first time!! I think you should grab the button and join in! I'm loving several things today....

Cap'N Crunch, yum!
The Cajun Shrimp on my toes
Real Housewives of NY
Rocking my pink Coach bag today
Celebrating a beautiful bride-to-be this weekend
Being reunited with my best friends today
Lacey's vlog
Wearing sandals
My sweet Millie-monster
And these....

 (Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up)


I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I'm leaving today for a wonderful weekend with my best friends! My bff Kelsey is getting married in May, and her bridal shower is tomorrow!! You know I'll have plenty of pictures to share when I return! Which could or could not be a good thing because the rumor is there's going to be sangria! Yummy!



Unknown said...

Have a FABULOUS weekend!!!!

Unknown said...

You're the cutest! love the pics! They are totally making my morning happy :)

Have a fabulous weekend!! Take pics to share!

Anonymous said...

What a fun weekend your going to have. I love sangria!

Btw, I left you a little award at my blog.

I'maNolaGirl said...

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and have a wonderful weekend!

Amber said...

Enjoy your weekend with your friends. It always so nice to have a little girl time!

ABC said...

1. I want that craft room.
2. Have fun this weekend and hug the bride-to-be for me! And Let me know how you like the invitations! She said yesterday that they are ready!!!
3. Love you!

All Things Cherish said...

I want that craft room! Hope you have a lovely weekend w. your friends!

Pink Lace and Cupcakes said...

Yay for OPI Cajun Shrimp:) I remember a long time ago you posting about it being one of your faves! Have a fantastic weekend girly:)

All Things Cherish said...

P.S. - thanks for the giveaway love on your side bar! : )

Michelle said...

Have a super weekend!

Brittany said...

I hope you have a fabulous weekend with your girls! You're a lucky lady getting to drink sangria, it's my favorite drink ever. Yummm. Can't wait to see all of your pictures!

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Cute things! Have a good weekend!

Jamie said...

I haven't had Cap'n Crunch in forever! I love wearing sandals and can't wait until it's warm enough to wear them every day :) Have a great weekend!