October 10, 2019

Self Care Isn't Selfish: Vol. 3 (My Favorite Mental Wellness IGs)

Happy World Mental Health Day, friends! To celebrate, I'm sharing another self care post featuring my favorite mental wellness and inspirational instagram accounts!

The best inspirational instagram accounts

A couple years ago I made the conscious decision to regularly weed through my instagram and unfollow accounts that weren't inspiring me in some way. There were tons of fashion bloggers on the list that all look the same, beauty brands that I don't even use, and attention-seeking accounts that were bringing me down. I became very aware of how much time I spend scrolling through instagram and I decided that I wanted it to feed me instead of drain me. The accounts below are just a handful of my favorite accounts that encourage mental wellness, personal awareness, and overall health - all with a perfect creative touch. Self care comes in all forms. I've found that editing and curating my social media is incredibly significant to my everyday attitude and outlook. I hope you enjoy this list and you're inspired to edit your instagram following too!


The best inspirational instagram accounts



The best inspirational instagram accounts



The best inspirational instagram accounts


The best inspirational instagram accounts


The best inspirational instagram accounts


The best inspirational instagram accounts


The best inspirational instagram accounts


The best inspirational instagram accounts


The best inspirational instagram accounts


The best inspirational instagram accounts


The best inspirational instagram accounts


The best inspirational instagram accounts



1 comment

Katie | FashionFrugality.com said...

These are so great! Thank you for sharing them. Off to follow each!