Hi there, friends! I'm really excited to kick off a series today that I've been promising you guys since I moved into this little cottage of mine back in March. I shared some peeks on instagram, but not much detail to go along with it. For the sake of full disclosure, most of the pieces in my house aren't current. I've had them for years so finding exact matches are a serious task. My drive behind sharing a glimpse inside my house is to show you how I went from virtually limitless space in my townhouse to maximizing every nook and cranny of this little cottage. It was a task, believe me, but if I can make it work so can you!
I love this house that I'm living in now. Yes, it's small, but the positives outweigh the negatives every day. For my bedroom, I was lucky to have this odd space that's kind of set back in the wall to create another closet. This honestly saved my life! And thankfully my sweet landlord was ok with the upgrade. More closet space will definitely be a selling point for future renters.
I also invested in lots of Rubbermaid covered containers for purses and shoes, shallow zippered organizers that easily slide under the bed for rolled tee shirts and swim suits, and two over-the-door shoe organizers that I've pictured below. Every bit of space is occupied but I did it smartly, I think. There's rarely a moment when I get super frustrated because I can't find something. I tried to organize everything as I unpacked and moved in to save future stress.
The furniture in my bedroom is a mix and match and goes really well with the personality of the house. I'm pretty eclectic when it comes to how I mix things in my home decor so the hodge podge, magpie feel of it, fits me perfectly. The whole house is a quirky menagerie - mostly in pinks and blues - and it's an undeniably happy space.

(The space behind those curtains is my extra closet.)

One of my favorite tricks for small spaces is using over-the-door shoe organizers as multi-purpose. I also have one hanging on my bathroom door for makeup and toiletries. One of my best friends recommended it during a "how in the world am I going to make all my stuff fit in that little house" brainstorming session before I moved in. The ones I bought were from Walmart and I'm pretty sure they were just under $8.

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