June 25, 2012

Summery Giveaway from Shabby Apple

Nothing says summer quite like stripes in my opinion, and Shabby Apple has you covered! A little nautical, a little fancy, and perfectly easy breezy. Shabby Apple offers vintage-inspired pieces with a modern, feminine twist. Below are some of my favorite pieces from their Lighthouse collection -bursting with summer sass and stripes!



I am so excited to announce that I'm teaming up with Shabby Apple again for a great giveaway for you sweet people!

They're offering a $50 gift card to one luck winner!

- How to enter -

You must:
1. Follow Julie Leah blog via google friend connect

You must have a US shipping address, as well!

Extra Entries:
1. Follow Julie Leah on twitter
2. Follow Julie Leah on pinterest

(Please leave a separate comment for each.)


Shabby Apple is offering a discount code for all Julie Leah readers for a month, too!
Enter "julieleah10off" at checkout for 10% off!

There's also a free shipping code through the end of month. Click the ad below.

Dresses from Shabby Apple

Good luck, everyone! I'll announce the winner next Tuesday, July 3! 



Denise M said...

i follow via GFC

uclangel422 at yahoo dot com

Denise M said...

i like Shabby Apple on FB

uclangel422 at yahoo dot com

Margarita Bloom said...

Ohhhh goodness I LOVE this post Julie! Stripes...le sigh..how I adore thee. giggle...

I follow you via GFC!!

Margarita Bloom said...

I like Shabby Apple on Facebook. :)

Margarita Bloom said...

Following you on Twitter!! *wink wink*

Margarita Bloom said...

I follow you via Pinterest!! Yay! Hope I win! Def. got to get that red striped skirt!! Happy Monday doll face.

Blue Dog Belle said...

I follow Julie Leah via GFC

thebluedogbelle {at} gmail.com

Blue Dog Belle said...

I like shabby apple on FB

Blue Dog Belle said...

I Follow you on twitter


Beth's Blog said...

I like shabby apple on facebook.

Beth's Blog said...

I follow you on pinterest.

Mary Beth said...

I follow you via GFC.


Mary Beth said...

I like Shabby Apple on Facebook.


Mary Beth said...

I follow you on Pinterest.


Elizabeth {Ms Classic Glamour} said...

I'm already following you on Google friend!
I'm so happy about this giveaway, Hun! Thanks!
I also hope you check out my blog today, I nominated you for an award! :)

Elizabeth {Ms Classic Glamour} said...

I liked the Shabby Apple FB page!

Elizabeth {Ms Classic Glamour} said...

I'm following you on Pinterest!

M'ris said...

i follow you via gfc.

M'ris said...

i like SA on fb!

M'ris said...

& following you on pinterest.

April G said...

I'm a GFC follower :)

April G said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB.

April G said...

I follow you on pinterest - pinterest.com/irishmarmalade


Cooking With Abandon said...

i follow you and shabby apple

Cooking With Abandon said...

i follow you on pininterest

Erin said...

I follow you on GFC and I 'liked' Shabby Apple on facebook!

Erin said...

I follow you on pintrest :)

Erin said...

And I follow you on twitter {I'm eeb314}


Unknown said...

Best giveaway!!!! I follow you on GFC

Unknown said...

I liked Shabby Apple

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter

Unknown said...

And I now follow you on pinterest

tara said...

i'm a follower!

tara said...

and i like shabby apple on fb!

tara said...

aaandd i follow you on twitter!

kelseaf said...

I follow you through friend connect!

kelseaf said...

I like Shabby Apple facebook page!

Michelle said...

I follow you on google friend connect!

Michelle said...

I 'like' Shabby Apple on Facebook! :D

Michelle said...

I follow you on Twitter! @booksnshoes

Michelle said...

I follow your boards on pinterest! :D

Southern Belle Mama said...

Nautical is my favorite summer style...classy and fresh! I follow on google connect :)

Southern Belle Mama said...

Also follow on twitter!

Southern Belle Mama said...

Following you on Pinterest too!

Kati said...

I'm a follower of JL and liked Shabby Apple on FB! Thanks! xoxo

Chloe said...

I "Liked" the Shabby Apple facebook page

Chloe said...

I follow Julie Leah on twitter

Chloe said...

I follow Julie Leah on pinterest

Chloe said...

I follow Julie Leah blog via google friend connect

Unknown said...

I like them on facebook!

Unknown said...

Now following you on pinterest!

Karen said...

New follower via GFC

Karen said...

I like shabby apple on fb

Karen said...

I now follow you on twitter, karnchris

Lynn said...

I follow you on GFC
lynnbulk83 at yahoo dot com

Lynn said...

I like SA on FB
lynnbulk83 at yahoo dot com

Lynn said...

follow you on twitter
lynnbulk83 at yahoo dot com

Heather Bien said...

I'm a follower on GFC!

Heather Bien said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB!

Sand said...

I like SA on FB

Sand said...

I follow on GFC

Rachel Travis said...

I follow u via gfc

Rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com

Rachel Travis said...

I like shabby apple on fb

Rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com

Amy Lynn said...

I am a GFC Follower and like SA on FB
amylynnbee22 at gmail dot com

Amy Lynn said...

oppsie.. here's my 2nd comment :)
amylynnbee22 at gmail dot com

Amy Lynn said...

I follow you on twitter @amylynnbee22
amylynnbee22 at gmail dot com

thanks for the giveaway!! Fingers Crossed *

Jesse said...

I follow you on GFC
jessebfit at yahoo

Jesse said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB
jessebfit at yahoo

Jesse said...

I follow you on twitter
jessebfit at yahoo

Gina M (crave to save) said...

Follow Julie Leah blog via google friend connect-- Gina M
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Gina M (crave to save) said...

"Like" the Shabby Apple facebook page -- CRAVE TO SAVE

gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Gina M (crave to save) said...

Follow Julie Leah on pinterest-- CRAVE TO SAVE

gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

hearthkeeper said...

i follow you on gfc as chloris

hearthkeeper said...

i liked shabby on fb as christine hammer weideman


All Things Cherish said...

They have the prettiest dresses! I liked them on FB.

All Things Cherish said...

I follow via GFC.

All Things Cherish said...

I follow you on Twitter.

All Things Cherish said...

I follow you on Pinterest, too!

Julie said...

gfc jelaws5

Julie said...

like sa fb Julie A Scott Laws

Annie said...

Im a gfc follower - annie gagliardi murdock

anniegmurdock at gmail dot com

Annie said...

I follow shabby apple on fb

anniegmurdock at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I like shabby apple on fb!
saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I follow you on gfc.
saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter.
saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

Tara said...

I follow you on GFC

dandygiveaway at gmail dot com

Tara said...

I like Shabby Apple on Facebook

dandygiveaway at gmail dot com

Tara said...

I follow you on Twitter

dandygiveaway at gmail dot com

Tara said...

I follow you on Pinterest

dandygiveaway at gmail dot com

Aubs said...

I follow you on GFC! (Aubrey)

And I like shabby apple on facebook :)