October 1, 2010

Happy Homecoming Weekend Wishes!

Happy weekend, everyone! 

It's time to celebrate my alma mater's homecoming! Lauren is only a couple hours away and the festivities are kicking off tonight! 

See you back here on Monday with a full weekend recap, and some exciting news!

Until then...


Music Info:
Artist: Kenny Chesney
Song: The Boys of Fall


Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Is it really homecoming season already? Fall is in fall gear! Have a wonderful time!

*D* said...

i love homecoming weekend! ours is next weekend and knowing it's a week away is filling me with excitement! :) hope you're weekend is fabulous!

Southern Belle Fashionista said...

Love Bug! I am over the moon for this post! All my favorite things wrapped in to one bloggie!!

Have the most spectacular weekend ever! So great catching up with old friends!!! :)

Happy Fall!

Marie said...

Happy Weekend too!:D

***** Marie *****

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

love the last picture!

Michelle said...

So exciting!! Have a fun weekend and I can't wait to read the recap!

Carrie said...

lovely pics!

Have a nice weekend. :)


Cool Gal said...

Have fun this weekend. Sounds like a great time.

Love the boots and the beanie in the last image. Perfect for fall. :)

Anonymous said...

Julie, I love this post because I love this time of year and the pics are just gorgeous. Oh, that last one from Michael Kors with the couple takes my breath away... those boots! I want!! Have a blast... I plan on getting outdoors and taking in some New England fall weather now that the heavy rain has finally stopped. xo

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend!! The photos are lovely! I'm off to celebrate my 30th bday!

Anonymous said...

Oops I was in my wrong account (I'm Keanes momma....lol)

Again have a great weekend

Holly from So Chic Decor!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Hope your weekend is fun fun fun, Julie.
Have a great start to the new week! xx

Leah said...

What a cute post! Hope you had a great time!!!


Kappa in the Commonwealth said...

oh Julie, what a wonderful post to encompass all of the wonderful things about fall...brisk weather, fall leaves and decor, FOOTBALL, a new season for endless possibilities!