Happy Tuesday, everyone! All my American friends are back to work today, right? I hope you all had a nice, relaxing, long weekend!
I think we can say it's unofficially fall, right? I mean, it was like 40 degrees on Saturday morning when I took Millie out. Brrrrr.
I've been tagged by four lovely ladies with '8 Questions.' Thank you Flip Flops and Pearls, Miss KS, Little Miss Can't Be Wrong & The Pink and Green Prep!
Since 32 questions would be a lot to answer in one sitting, and I'm certain would get boring for you all to read, I've taken a few from each lady. I can break the rules a little, right?
Happy Tuesday, everyone! All my American friends are back to work today, right? I hope you all had a nice, relaxing, long weekend!
I think we can say it's unofficially fall, right? I mean, it was like 40 degrees on Saturday morning when I took Millie out. Brrrrr.
I've been tagged by four lovely ladies with '8 Questions.' Thank you Flip Flops and Pearls, Miss KS, Little Miss Can't Be Wrong & The Pink and Green Prep!
Since 32 questions would be a lot to answer in one sitting, and I'm certain would get boring for you all to read, I've taken a few from each lady. I can break the rules a little, right?
1. What is your guilty pleasure?
Well, I have several, from TV shows, to trashy magazines, to cheesy bubble-gum pop music. For this question I'm going to go with TV Shows and choose ABC Family's 'Pretty Little Liars.' Seriously, I can't get enough of this show!
Lucy Hale's character is my favorite...
Well, I have several, from TV shows, to trashy magazines, to cheesy bubble-gum pop music. For this question I'm going to go with TV Shows and choose ABC Family's 'Pretty Little Liars.' Seriously, I can't get enough of this show!
Lucy Hale's character is my favorite...
2. Do you tell you IRL friends/family about your blog or just keep it to yourself?
Some of my friends and family know about my blog. I don't broadcast it, but if people find out about it, that's ok. My few best friends have known about it since the beginning and have been faithful followers. My mom loves my blog, surprise surprise :)
Some of my friends and family know about my blog. I don't broadcast it, but if people find out about it, that's ok. My few best friends have known about it since the beginning and have been faithful followers. My mom loves my blog, surprise surprise :)
3. What is your favorite adult beverage?
As if I haven't mentioned it enough, I will say it again! Mojito!
As if I haven't mentioned it enough, I will say it again! Mojito!
4. Do you believe in soul mates?
I thought about this question really hard and decided that 'yes,' I do believe in soul mates. But not just in the romantic sense. I believe that my best friends are my soul mates, too. And even though my lovey dovey soul mate hasn't come along yet, I'm certain he's out there.

5. Cake or pie?

6. When's the last time you cried and why?
Now, when I answer this it's going to sound like I'm a basket case, but I promise I'm not! I cry a lot. I'm just very emotional. The littlest thing can bring the water works. I cried during Toy Story 3. Come on!

7. Who is your style icon?
This is a tough one because there are so many fabulous women that I look up to when it comes to fashion. Since I can't pick just one, I'm going to give you a few of my favorite ladies.
Reese Witherspoon
Sarah Jessica Parker
Olivia Palermo
Eva Mendes
Bobbie Thomas
8. What playlist/cd is on your CD player/iPod right now?
The question is what isn't on my playlist? I listen to everything! Most often, though, I listen to country, John Legend, the classics (Sinatra), and some hip-hop and R&B. Told ya, I listen to everything!
9. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Please, do you even have to ask??
10. What is your dream job?
Wedding planner. If you've been reading my blog for any length of time you know my passion for weddings. Maybe one day....
11. What is your favorite chick-flick?
Definitely the first Sex and the City. I could watch it over and over. The fashion never ever gets old!
(images here and here)
Thank you, ladies so much for this fabulous game! I loved it!
Now for my questions.....
1. Favorite flower?
2. Favorite color combination?
3. Favorite celebrity couple?
4. Your theme song?
5. Favorite 'I've had a terrible day' food?
6. Lipstick, lip gloss or both?
7. Favorite magazine?
8. Favorite thing about fall?
For these ladies.....
Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou
Becky at The Branch Family
Bonnie at The Browns
KB at Dixie Lust
Hope you'll play along, darlings!
Last week I was also given the Versatile Blogger award by The Sailor in Pink. Thank you so much, sweetie!
The rules are to tell seven things about yourself and tag seven blogs. Well, I'm going to count those questions above as my 'about me' and tag these lovelies....
Cari at Books, Brooks and Me
Dana at Wedding Junkie
Kelly at Rose and Hudson
BAH at Preppy Panache
Elizabeth at Olive My Life
Suzanne at So Stinkin' Cute
Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!
Welcome to all the new followers! So happy that you're here! Please make yourself at home and let me know if you enjoy something that I post :) You can also find me on Twitter at JulieLeah.

Artist: John Legend
Song: Slow Dance
I loved this post! Always great to get to know more about you! AND John Legend does it to me, everytime! I LOVE that man!
I've missed you this weekend! NYc was fun, but it didn't leave much time for cathcing up. This post made me feel like we just had a little chat!!!
Have a great day!
such fun answers!! i'd love to be a wedding planner!!
Julie, I cry at Disney movies too... and sometimes even commercials... I'm right there with you!
p.s. I'm having an Ann Taylor Loft giveaway incase you missed it! xo
Happy Tuesday, Julie! Back to work and back to the grind we are... Hope your day is great :)
Loved reading all your answers! Hope you have a great week Julie!
Great post - I love the randomness of the Q&A. Good answers - they felt utterly authentic! Lou x
Instead of working this morning, I would love to have a Mojito and sit and watch season one of Pretty Little Liars. I started watching it on hulu, but I guess I didn't do it fast enough because it's gone. Is there another place to watch it or is it out on dvd?
Loved getting to know you a bit more. Great pics. Have a great start to you week. :)
I LOVED reading your answers - I think I would have said all the same things too!!
I cried about 3 mins into "Toy Story 3".....seriously!!!! The ending nearly finished me off!! I cry at everything and only get worse as I get older - so be warned LOL!!
And I forgot to say I love your choice of style icons, I agree with every one of them :)
And loved your soulmate answer....I agree, some of my girlfriends are absolutely my soulmates xoxo
loved this post! especially in regards to the pictures and style icons:) have a great Tuesday
Hey Sweetie! :)
This is why we are friends LOL
I love John Legend. Love Frank, and I am looking to adopt a yorkie :) May need your insight on this one :)
Love ya and miss you!
Okay, we are soul mates at birth and need to meet! Thanks for the tag, what should I do? just do what you did?
Beautiful pictures as always! Pretty Little Liars is one of my guilty pleasures too :)
Love it lady. miss you.
Julie Girly Girl your so cute!
Love hearing about your fabulous self!
Do hope you had a lovely holiday weekend!
Big Smoochies
gi gi
A good mojito gets me every time!! Do you make yours with bacardi limon? I've found it's the best little trick for a super tasty mojito without a load of simple syrup- gotta watch out for those hips ;)
Cute post and love your answers! It's always fun to get to know people more. Love your yorkie pics! My Yorkie is my little diva child...He's spoiled rotten! And Olivia...gosh she is such a brat but she has an amazing closet! Girlfriend has great style.
**sqeal** I LOVE that tulip cut short mini dress of a wedding gown...divinity!!!
I love this post, Julie! And I completely agree with all your beautiful style icons! Congrats on your awards and hope you had a great long weekend.
I'm jamming out right now! Love this.
I'd love to be a wedding planner too! How fun would that be. I like the dress in the photo you chose. How spunky.
I love John Legend! :)
I wish Olivia Palermo wasn't so snotty, because she really does have great style!
sex and the city #1 is the best!
I just started watching Pretty Little Liars and it's a great guilty pleasure show!
I adore John Legend! He is one sexy and soulful man!
what a great list! You always have the cutest pics to go along with your posts:-)
I looove John Legend, good taste there!
i am with you on so many things here! i'm thinking of being a wedding planner (i'm actually taking a course on it), i love pretty little liars, i love to blog... :D
<3, Mimi
Thanks for the tag!
Pretty Little Liars is such a fun show! I started watching it when I was gone so much last winter. Loved it. Couldn't get Mr. Potts hooked on it though. :(
Reese is my favorite, but you found some other fabulous Ladies. Lisa once has Olivia P. in one of her WW & I commented that I didn't like her. She told me it was because she was a strong women just like we are.
This was fun to read! Love the pics you chose for this post. I hope you've had a good week! I've been so busy packing (we're moving this weekend) that I've had to keep blogging to a minimum - sorry I haven't been visiting!
I loved all your answers and photos! Hey-you want to skype this weekend sometime? I saw you tagged me in this and I will have to come up with some answers for you :) I also want to see the Pretty Little Liars...I've heard it's really good!
I worked with Lucy Hale's sister for a year at a tanning salon. Lucy often came in to tan so I like totally know her. ;)
I've never had a mojito. I'm a margarita girl.
I heart Sinatra.
OKAY!!!! I finally to this & posted it on my blog :) The answers to your questions!
<3 Bon Bon!
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