July 30, 2010

It's Friday. I'm in Love.

I saw this post yesterday, and  I was instantly taken back to my childhood, growing up in small-town Virginia. Traveling to the theatre in nearby towns  for the latest production of Snow White or The Nutcracker. Living every moment of summer break to the fullest. Having an imagination bursting with ideas.

So today, I'm in love with my inner-child. Let's take a little stroll down memory lane.....


Do you remember....

Telling secrets and making pinky promises...

Thinking that dessert was the only food group...

Promising to be best friends forever...

Wishing that summer would last forever...

Imagining that you could actually grow your own beanstalk, just like Jack...

Being a Disney princess or fairy everyday, complete with crown or wand...

Playing endless games of hide-and-seek...

Dressing up in your mom's hats and shoes...

Seeing how high you could swing...
(This one's for my Bumpkin)

Believing that red sparkly shoes could take you anywhere in the world...

Having dreams as big as the sky...



What are some things you remember loving about your childhood?

Happy Friday, love bugs!

(via Summer B.)

Music Info:
Artist: Eva Cassidy
Song: Somewhere Over the Rainbow


Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful post! We had so many dreams back then! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

i still wih summer lasted forever && i still see who high i can swing!! im a dork!! have a great weekend!

MCW said...

When my friend's mom would come to pick her up from my house we would hide...hoping that our moms would never find us and we could play forever!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! I love the that illustration.

Cool Gal said...

Making forts out of blankets and lawn chairs with my friends. Sleepovers. Running around barefoot in the summer. Ice cream truck. Playing Barbies for hours. So, so many more.

Thanks for making me think of all the things I used to do when I was little. I miss my childhood.

Morgan said...

Childhood was the best! Getting to be outdoors 24/7, having nothing to worry about, eating all you want, and so much more. Love the post!

Staley Mc said...

How cute! Love all these childhood-like pictures! Hope you have a great weekend!

how i met your father blog said...

i always love your photos, and i definitely love your "it's firday i'm in love" series!

i think i might change my "fashion friday" to this, if that's okay with you?

Mama Pea said...

You create the best posts!!

It's so hot outside, I'm going to say I miss running through the sprinklers :)

Anonymous said...

Julie, I love this post! If only we could retain all of the innocence of childhood! Can you believe I still have never seen the Nutcracker?! I know huh, crazy. I remember thinking I could actually dig my way to China if I dug long enough! I am still kinda struggling with dessert being the only food group. xoxo

Socially Savvy said...

Julie - oh how this makes me reminisce my childhood. The excitement of hearing the music of the ice cream truck and running barefoot through the soft cold grass.
What a wonderful idea to post childhood memories.
Have a happy weekend! xoJoy

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

... making friendship bracelets out of DMC embroidery floss. That's one of my favorite memories :)

Jessica said...

It funny how a picture as simple as those popsicles brings a TON of memories to my mind. Spending the entire summer at the pool with the neighborhood kids...BBQing outside with Dad....wow. Great post.

I Do Declare said...

I am such a nerdy nostalgic - loved this sweet post - and Eva Cassidy!

Amanda said...

aww what a sweet post. i remember i always wanted to wear high heels...really bad!! lol! :)

Ms. Emmy N said...

Adorable post.. I loved playing dress up, and back yard games with neighbors, everything was fun and light hearted without worries or stress... summer really did last forever. If only I could see the world through a child's eyes everyday :)

Meghan said...

Oh my gosh! The little girl in the strawberry shirt is killing me:)

There are so many childhood memories - love this post! My friends and I used to dress up in our mom's clothes and play school - and now we're both teachers:)

Have a great weekend!

Summer Athena said...

oh to be a kid again!

we need these little reminders not to take life so seriously.

thank you!

Britney {Jesses Girl} said...

this post completely made my day!! thanks for sharing!!!

Jami - XOimagine said...

Beautiful. It makes me want to go home to my family in MN :) I've got another giveaway happening that I think you will like! It's a Shabby Chic original watercolor! Come see and enter!

xo - jami
i m a g i n e

Unknown said...

Such a cute post! Yes I remember all of it, and try to keep thinking like a child because that's where all of the fun is! Lol hope you have a great weekend hun!!!

melifaif said...

Such a lovely memory post. I love it. And I love your sweet words....have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

So cute, I miss all those things.

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

too cute! happy friday!

Bekki said...

I love these photos!! Thanks for sharing...

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Hi Julie, just found your lovely blog. Your pictures are J*O*Y! Pure happiness in your sweet little corner of the world. Must follow you so I don't miss another post.
Wishing you a sunshine-filled weekend! xx

A Real Housewife said...

do i remember wishing summer lasted forever? of course i do...i wished for that just this morning. ;)


You seriously just made me tear up a bit. In a good way though. All such wonderful memories. I also remember catching ladybugs & playing red light, green light, 1, 2, 3 :)

Have a great weekend, honey! xoxo

Charleston Girl said...

Love this post! Oh to be a kid again and have no worries in the world.

DSS said...

What a beautiful post :) Just what I needed today...a trip down memory lane.

Louis is my reminder of childhood! I had a westie pup growing up, and every day when I play with him I am trasported back to the innocence and love that only a puppy and a little girl can share :)

Mimi said...

aww, i really miss being a kid! i miss being carefree and having no problems! hope you have a wonderful weekend! :D

<3, Mimi

Football and Fried Rice said...

Oh - I love this post!! We seriously have that strawberry shirt & the knee high socks withthe hearts & stripes (gap!) too - kinda makes ME fall in love all.over.again!

Unknown said...

So sweet, Julie! I just spent a week with my 4 year-old niece and nephew, and it SO reminded me of being a little girl, great memories! XO!

this free bird said...

Julie this is darling! Reminded me so much of my niece who is incredibly fun at 4. Love her!!

Have a great weekend and make time for a popper!! I'm obsessed. We have Del Taco down here and they make the most insane deep fried jalapenos EVER. mmmmmmm


Ashley @ The Sweet Life Studio said...

LOVE this post. Oh, sweet nostalgia. = ) What a great start to the weekend!

Unknown said...

BE who you want to be...DREAM the unimaginable & LOVE with all your heart!!!

Great post. May you have a wonderful weekend :)

Brittany said...

I remember all of these things so clearly! Oh the joys of being a child! I love this post!

Unknown said...

Such a gorgeous post Julie, some of the images bought a tear to my eye!


Aly @ Analyze This said...

LOVE THIS POST!!! Brought a little tear to my eye as I was remembering some of my childhood memories!

Val said...

I LOVE, love......

Poppies and Sunshine said...

This is such a beautiful post!! Brings back great memories. How wonderful and carefree it is to be a kid!

Jordan Cole said...

Julie, is there anyway that you would let me borrow this post for Friday, giving you credit of course. I just love it, and I think it would be the perfect weekend send off. Let me know!

Pink Champagne said...

Such sweet memories! This post and these adorable photos just put a huge smile on my face. :)