January 5, 2010

Item of the Week: Betsey Johnson is my BFF

It is good to work at a school, lemme tell ya! No school today because of snow! I hope the kiddies are sledding and building snowmen to their heart's content! I am snuggled at my house with my little booger, Millie. Who has been in big time trouble this morning for chewing things she shouldn't (ie: my winter topiary sitting on my hearth, grrrr). But I love her cause she's so freakin' cute.

With the holidays being so jam-packed I completely neglected my 'item of the week.' The last one I did was here, on Nora Roberts' new series, The Bride Quartet. Which I highly recommend! I'm about half-way through the second one and it is great!

I haven't mentioned it before, but I really love Betsey Johnson, her jewelry especially! It's just so cute and cheeky. I got a few pieces for Christmas, actually :) Well, I was looking on her website this morning and found these adorable (and interchangeable) pieces!

The Betsey Johnson Polka Dot Heart Collection ( it was love at first polka-dotted site)

Or you can get the necklace with a couple more layers

And there's so many choices for earrings!! (Grabby hands)

And bracelets, oh my!

Do you all love this collection as much as I do? I know this is more like 25 items of the week, but I thought "what the heck, I'll just make it one big item, cause really I need all of it for it to make sense." Oh, and there's a ring too!

Now, obviously I'm  not saying wear all this at one time. That would be ridiculous. But you could mix and match these pieces with so much, that's why I'm drooling in love!

Have you all seen the Betsey Johnson jewelry before? What do you think? Love it? Hate it? Well, you already know how I feel, and I'm certain that I will be blogging about her stuff again soon!

Hope y'all are having a wonderful day!



Bea's World said...

I LOVE the bracelets! So cute!! Awesome blog, btw! =)
~ Brittney

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

OOO i love them. they are so cute.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Oh boy, I love them all. I totally want the necklace with layers on it...divine! The bracelets are adorable and I love the drop heart earrings.

Hope your enjoying your day off! Give Millie a hug for me. ;)


Unknown said...

Love the award you made! And yes, a girl should always be classy and fabulous!!

3 Peanuts said...

I had never seen Betsey Johnson jewelry although there is a BJ boutique here. It is cute.

Unknown said...

Too funny - I was actually just on her site the other day. She makes a cupcake necklace that I'm dying to get my hands on!

Anonymous said...

Those bracelets are adorable!

carolinagirl said...

I haven't seen her jewelry, but I love it. Thanks for sharing.

Claire said...

so cute!