December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010 (a little reflecting)

Well, 2010 is upon us. How are you feeling about letting 2009 go? I'm feeling a little nostalgic right about now. This year was a year of learning, growing, love, heartbreak, celebration and every other emotion that you can imagine.

There were many experiences from this year that I will never forget and some that I would love to forget. But, alas, that's life and you can't tell your memories to take a hike.

As I was thinking about my New Year's post, instead of just reflecting on the year I thought I would reflect on the things I did this year that I had never done before. Like I said, 2009 held lots of experiences for me!

I made a New Year's resolution (no, I had never made one before)

I graduated from college (with honors)

I started graduate school (and made a 4.0 my first semester)

I went to New Orleans...
During Mardi Gras....
And I had a Hand Grenade

I saw two of my best friends, (ABC & TLC) marry the men of their dreams

I saw another friend get engaged to the man of her dreams

I got my first puppy, Millie Bug

I moved into my own place

I started paying bills

I started blogging!

I started my first 'real' job

I started collecting Willow Tree figurines (they give me daily inspiration)

I significantly expanded my shoe collection

I learned the importance of having a few best friends

and I learned the importance of being able to enjoy life all by myself

So, how was 2009 for you all? Memorable? Miserable? What new things did you do this year? What new things do you want to do in 2010?

Happy New Year, lovies! I can't wait to see what this year holds for all of us!

Cheers, everyone! Talk to you next year!

PS: I only lack one more follower having 100, can I do it by midnight?! Hopefully!


meredith said...

i can't wait for 2010!!

ABC said...

New things for 2010: Travel more, read more, blog more! Happy New Year, Julie!

Anonymous said...

sounds like u had a great year. happy new years. (:


{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Happy New Year Love!

Kori said...

Wow had a great year! What an accomplishment not only to graduate college, but start graduate school with a 4.0! You are one smart cookie! It sounds like everything really came together for you. You remind me so much of me when I got started about 9 years ago. I moved out, got my own place, began teaching, started paying bills, got Mimi La how life changes...

I was married August 3, 08...left him in April 09, and divorce will be final March 11, 2010...without going through the misery, I would have never met Jerry...I hope things work out for us...good luck with a wonderful 2010 honey! You deserve it! Kori xoxo

Anastasia Schembri said...

Unfortunately it's a little past 1:00am so I haven't helped with your midnight mark but I've got you to 100! Congratulations on all of your followers!
What a great list of experiences and accomplishments, you should be very proud of yourself!
Have a very Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New year!

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh my gosh you have done so much!

Happy New Year darling, wishing you SO much happiness in 2010.

Unknown said...

What an exciting year you had, congrats on getting the 4.0 in graduate school!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Happy New Year, sweetie! Wishing you a wonderful and happy 2010!

