All content is created exclusively for Julie Leah: A life & style blog. Please do not use content without permission, without linking back to this blog, or without crediting the original source in your post.
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I reserve the right to remove any previous posts at any time. I also reserve the right to delete or choose to not publish any comments I deem inappropriate - including, but not limited to spam, offensive or rude comments, any comments not pertaining to the content within the post.
Julie Leah: A life & style blog is affiliated with RewardStyle. These affiliate links are noted with a special URL. However, items featured on this blog will never be influenced by commission opportunities. Products/brands that I share on this blog are ones that I truly love and support.
I am available for product reviews/giveaways to which I believe my readers will respond and have an interest. All products sent for review or gifted from a company will be noted with "c/o." I practice full reader disclosure in regards to all giveaways, reviews, and gifts. My opinion about the product will always be my own and will never be influenced by the company. Media kit available upon request.
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I am available for product reviews/giveaways to which I believe my readers will respond and have an interest. All products sent for review or gifted from a company will be noted with "c/o." I practice full reader disclosure in regards to all giveaways, reviews, and gifts. My opinion about the product will always be my own and will never be influenced by the company. Media kit available upon request.
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