Image via Kate Spiers
Monday was my 31st birthday. As I've shared many times, the first year of my thirties was a very difficult one. It came with a lot of change, a lot of tears, but was definitely a year of significant growth. I've been a longtime believer of learning from mistakes and making mental notes of what helped pull you through a particularly rough patch. Or keeping track of those little things that add quality to your day-to-day. Today I wanted to share 31 (for my 31st birthday, duh) little things that can make a big impact on your life. Some of them may seem so simple, but when put to the test, they're a lifesaver when you come out on the other side. And, like I've said before, when you're taking care of yourself there's more room for you to give your best to the people you love.
I hope you guys are having a great week! xo, Julie
Image via my instagram
one // When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
two // Never underestimate the power of great brows.
three // Also, never underestimate the power of a great nude lipstick. (I prefer extra glossy)
four // McDonald's Coke actually tastes very different than all other fountain Coke. And it can be a cure-all.
five // If there are people bringing you down - LET. THEM. GO.
six // There's a Dolly Parton quote for just about any situation. She's the queen - embrace it.
seven // Don't sacrifice taking care of your skin. And always wash off your makeup.
eight // Therapy can change your life. (It's changed mine)
nine // A great manicure can make you feel like you can conquer the world.
ten // Don't treat a man like your king, until he makes you his queen.
eleven // Sometimes doing something just for you is necessary - self care is invaluable.
twelve // Tell your people you love them.
thirteen // Embrace the lost art of the handwritten note and thank you card.
fourteen // Give yourself permission to have that cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory.
fifteen // Find a cause you're passionate about and pursue it.
sixteen // Actually, just find your passion.
seventeen // Do things outside your comfort zone. (See the next one -->)
eighteen // Go to a movie (or a few) by yourself. You'll never understand until you do it.
nineteen // Learn how to make a few dishes really well.
twenty // Retail therapy really is the answer some days.
twenty-one // "Fake it 'til you make it" is sometimes a necessary approach.
twenty-two // Understand the divide between quantity and quality in every aspect of your life.
twenty-three // A social media detox is good for your mental health.
twenty-four // There is more to life than a well-filtered instagram.
twenty-five // I've never looked back and regretted stepping away from an argument.
twenty-six // I have, however, regretted stepping into one.
twenty-seven // Be aware and sensitive to global issues. There's nothing worse than someone tweeting about their dinner when there's a crisis.
twenty-eight // There will be times that done is better than perfect.
twenty-nine // Drink lots of water.
thirty // Discover Jesus for yourself. Don't take anyone's word for it.
thirty-one // Life is too short to spend any time apologizing for who you are. God made you the way he intended.
1 comment
This is such a great list! Happy Birthday, Julie!
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