Personalized notepad, SWOOZIE'S • Blog Planner, HEART & ARROW • Pen, POPPIN
Zebra notebook, WAITING ON MARTHA
Zebra notebook, WAITING ON MARTHA
As y'all know, posts about blogging are some of my favorites to write. And always after attending a blog conference I start thinking about things I can change, things I can do better, and information/insight I can share with other bloggers. In today's post, I've brainstormed five simple tips to keep in mind when working with brands. It's okay to ask for what you want as a blogger - that's actually how you build your credibility and following. I hope you find today's post helpful! As always, if you have questions about blogging, please email me and we'll chat -
I've lost track of how many times I've said this on the blog. But seriously, don't sell out just for a quick buck or a cute gifted dress. It's not worth it. And I PROMISE better opportunities will come along if you're patient. Only go for those partnerships that feel truly genuine and authentic. And use this rule - "Would I rant and rave about this if I bought it with my own money?" or "Would I buy this again with my own money?" Answering those two questions can often times tell you whether or not it's meant to be.
If you love working with a particular brand or feel passionately about it, then maintain that relationship. That's when blogger/brand collaboration really feel legit. Your readers know you're not doing it for the swag or just to "get paid" - this is a brand that fits you and fits your blog.
These are great tips! I haven't collaborated with many brands, but these tips will definitely help with any new brands I collaborate with in the future.
Running Alyssa
Great advice lady! I am finding the last tip about maintaining the relationship to be SO true!
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