March 15, 2013

Weekend Wishes

(Image: unknown, found here)

There is nothing I would rather do this weekend than sit in my room, clean out my makeup, and watch trash TV. And let's be honest, that's exactly what I plan on doing. I'm going to photograph a couple of features for the blog next week, maybe catch a movie (any recommendations?), and just relax. It's been sort of a chaotic week - hence my lack of blog visiting and commenting, expect me to catch up this weekend! A few things I recommend reading/doing over the next couple days:

Play around with the new pinterest.

Watch this video of the Orla Kiely fall presentation from London Fashion Week.

Take a look inside The Carrie Diaries closet.

Enter my latest giveaways here and here!

Happy weekend!



  1. Amen! I'm incredibly excited for all the sitting around I plan to do this weekend.

  2. Happy Weekend Lady! I plan on doing a lot of sitting around and trash tv tomorrow. Today is work :/

  3. After my crazy week, sitting around and watching trashy tv sounds perfect for me.

  4. Thought of you yesterday as I FINALLY picked up some EL fabulous bronzer and shimmer to get all the free Lilly loot!! The eye shadow pallet and pouch are waaaaaay Julie!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka... Madame Spoiled

  5. Sounds like a great weekend and you posted some great links. Thanks!

    Ali of

  6. i've been the same way--- just needed a catch up weekend! i've been reading blogs all night :)

    i recommend Silver Linings Playbook if you haven't seen it yet!


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