February 5, 2013

NYC, Here I Come!

(Image: Old Kate Spade ad, found here)

After much planning, list making, packing, and agonizing over details - I'm on my way to New York today! My flight gets in tonight and Michelle will already be waiting at the hotel! There are so many of you that I can't wait to finally meet in person and places that I can't wait to visit and take cheesy, touristy photos in front of!

It won't be quiet around here this week, though! I've got some really great posts lined up to keep you entertained!

Please follow along with me this week on twitter, instagram, and vine!



Rachel {little bits of lovely} said...

Have a blast in NYC, it is such an incredible city! xx

Tasia |Ruffles and Sequins| said...

Hope you have a fabulous trip Julie!

Unknown said...

Oh man I hope you have a blast! So excited for you!


Alyssa said...

Yay! So excited for you! xo

The Glossy Life

Grace (The Stripe) said...

Safe travels - hope we get to meet IRL!

barefoot duchess said...

Have loads of fun and fashion!!