October 4, 2012

Pink Feathers

I came across this post on The Cherry Blossom Girl and couldn't resist sharing these yummy pink images with you. The post features a beautiful pink, feathery dress from Tara Jarmon that Alix chose to feature from the autumn/winter collection. Just too girly and lovely for words. . .



Fashion-isha said...

Omg this is soo sweet. I love this super fem look!

Jocelyn said...

I LOVE this! It's true we really do all need a pink feather dress!

Brooke said...

I love it ! Very fun and beautiful!


Unknown said...

Now that's a gorgeous outfit. You've wear it well. It looks good on you.
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Haley said...

Love this fabulous pink feather dress & heels-- amazing!! So glad I came across your blog, love it:)


barefoot duchess said...

I have been following her ever since I entered the blogosphere! She is so sweet and stylish

Margarita Bloom said...

I adore her blog and this has to be my favorite post from her site...that dress...those shoes! Le faint! LOVE!