July 20, 2012

Weekend Wishes!

I'll be spending the weekend cleaning, folding, packing, and organizing in preparation for vacation next week - with a quick movie break on Sunday. Are you one of those people (like me) who has to clean before vacations?!

Happy weekend, sweet friends!



Carrie said...

yes i am. my family and i always leave the house nice and clean. that way when we get back, we come home to a clean place. especially with all the other things we bought from our trip. have a nice vacation!

Look cute at the beach this summer! Enter to win a £50 gift card to Simply Beach.
Win a $50 giftcard to Shappy Apple! Come and join. :]


Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled said...

Oh yes yes to the clean house! You shall be arriving and I will be getting home in the north. Two ore days for me, then it is ta ta to my beloved beach. Back to the wonderful career that pays for all my joy here. Another school year is approaching...nine more until I am on permanent summer vacay! Where has the time gone?

Love and Hugs form the Beach,
Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

Beth Dunn said...

Lovely flowers. Have fun on vacation