May 23, 2012

Currently Crushing

(Images: 1 via Neiman Marcus; 2 and 3 via Zhush)

Elephants with gold polka dots. Yes.

I am completely smitten with these Waylande Gregory elephant bowls. You may be more familiar with the leopard pattern, but given my love for elephants these are my favorite. I'm picturing them on an entry table with funky matchbooks inside, or a coffee table on a stack of books. Click on over to the Zhush site and browse all the other Waylande Gregory pieces - they truly are a great finishing touch.



Unknown said...

I loveee the giraffe pattern! I may need that bowl (no I don't need it - just a want).

Nicole Rene said...

those are sooo freaking cute! good find !!

Elizabeth said...

Very cute! I love how preppy yet whimsical they are. Great finds!

Cheers, Elizabeth @ The Corner Apartment

Pink Champagne said...

How whimsical and chic!

Margarita Bloom said...

How utterly adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Sue has some really fun things in her shop. I LOVE these. How cute!! You should definitely get them. xo