April 24, 2012

Pinterest-ers to Love

 (Images via 1, 2, 3)

Yesterday, IFB released a list of their top twenty pinterest accounts to follow. The funny thing is, this little post was already sitting in my drafts ready to go for today. Love when that happens! So between my list and their list, you're sure to find some amazing pinners to love and follow. Hop on over and get inspired!


Fallon Elizabeth

The Wild Fleur

Jessica Nell Graves 

Madeleine Roberts


You can follow my pinterest here or click the link at the top of the blog.

And don't forget to enter the custom blog design giveaway from Sarah Ann!



barefoot duchess said...

following you already! j'adore your blog and your pinterest =)

thanks for sharing those wonderful pinners

Anonymous said...

Great choices, each and every one of those! Sending you a smile,

Anonymous said...

I just started following your blog & i adore it.
I am trying to make my dreams come true this year.

follow back please?
thank you <3 :)

Kat Tanita (With Love From Kat) said...

love these pictures! your blog is beautiful :)
