February 24, 2011

Pink and Green Thursday: Cool Treats

(Image via Trishy and tumblr)

Happy Pink & Green Thursday, darlings!

I hope this finds you well and having a fantastic week! It's unbelievably rainy and dreary here today and I'm in all-black for the second day in a row. (My Lilly umbrella from Trishy did add a hint of color to my morning, though!)

I was in desperate need of a pick-me-up since there isn't a ray of sunshine in sight today. My mind was flooded with thoughts of beaches, tropical drinks, bathing suits, and yummy summer treats! I'm taking a mental vacation for just a minute today and imagining what each of these would taste like on a warm summer day. . .


 (Images via 1, 2, 3)


(Image via)

Is your mouth watering?! I can't imagine that it's not! Raise your hand if you can't wait for summertime!


Sending sweet Pink & Green wishes your way!

Beach Boys: "Kokomo"


Anonymous said...

As if I wasn't missing summer enough already, then I go ahead and read this post! ;) love it!

Madras and Pearls said...

I second east coast style word for word :) but thank you, for brightening up this Thursday!

Ann said...

I am so lovin' all those yummy treats... ♥

Summer Athena said...

how do you think they put the sprinkles around that pink drink? i am in love with that idea!

Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

I love serving pink lemonade in a clear dispenser! So fun! These treats all look great, especially down here in hot south Florida, where the heat is starting to eek up (I won't complain though thinking of all my friends up north)!

Mama Pea said...

thanks for the little taste of summer :)

sensiblyluxe said...

My hand is raised and waving madly. All of this pink goodness has made me hungry and mad for ice cream even though it is freezing outside!

Anonymous said...

I want whatever is in that glass with the sprinkles on the rim! Lovely post as always.

x M.

Only Prettier said...

me me me....hand way up in the air waving....great pictures!

Jess said...

I am DYING for it to be summer! Thanks for putting a smile on my face with these images today!

Girl with the Curlz said...

So yummy!!I am so ready for summer too. More snow for Chicago this weekend. WHAT????

melifaif said...

Texas weather is a changin'...you can feel the spring and summer sneaking in. I am ready! And this post should make us ALL ready! Lovely, indeed.

Glitterista said...

Okay--if I raise both hands really really high does that mean it'll come sooner? ;)

Aspiring Kennedy said...

we are booking a trip to thailand as i type.. well my husband is... so when he heard the music start playing he changed it to "a place like koi samui..."

this got me soo excited and ready for some SUN.

Unknown said...

Bar none, the happiest post I've seen in ages. Hope the sun comes out tomorrow for you, doll!

xo Elizabeth

Julie (Little Pink Rain Boots) said...

I can't wait for summer or at the very least a warm spring. It too has been cold here, and I can't wait to wear sundresses and strappy sandals and eat way too much ice cream. Great pics, gave me lots of ideas for summer picnics and barbecues.


Michelle said...

well there goes my diet. LOL! thanks for the post! :) xoxo

WhatMissLoves said...

Beautiful! I posted a bunch of pink and green yummy treats as well! Hope you can follow my blog so we can trade blog buttons!

Carroll said...

What fabulous summer treats!! Hope you have a fabulous Friday!!

Anonymous said...

just came across your blog :) ohmygosh its so cute! love all the things you posted on here! ahh!

Unknown said...

YUM! What a delicious post today. The desserts and candidly, the model looks fabulous as well (I definitely to get back to my daily gym routine and protein shakes). I won't be joining the blog hop with a post due to computer difficulties however, I am participating via "hopping" and comment love. Have a fabulous Friday!

Unknown said...

I am in need of sun as well! It snowed 6 inches last night . . . thanks for the bright happy pics:-)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! It's snowing here... ugh. Jordan is flying home from London so I am hoping his flight doesn't get delayed. This post is killing my sweet tooth! xo

Anonymous said...

Amazing post... & yes my mouth is watering. :) I cannot wait for Summer - we're supposted to be getting more snow tonight so I suppose I cannot wait for spring first.
<3 erica

Ruth said...

I can't wait for it to be warm enough to enjoy those treats.

Pink Champagne said...

I'm so sad I missed Pink & Green Thursday last week! (I will have to make a comeback tomorrow... tee hee) Take me away to tropical lands with you, pretty please! These photos are just so dreamy... Sending you big hugs! XOXO