January 4, 2011

EmersonMade: Perfect in Every Way

(Image via)


If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time you know that I am completely obsessed with pursuing lovely things. EmersonMade is just that- something completely lovely and unique. I hate that it's taken me so long to feature this gorgeous company here at Brown  Eyed Belle! I came across one of these images while browsing for tumblr images and decided then and there that I must devote a post to this fabulous lady and her fantastic little creations!


 (Images via)

I want one of everything, don't you?!


Visit the EmersonMade site to browse all of Emerson's amazing creations!

Do you own any EmersonMade items? If so, tell me about them so I can be completely and utterly jealous!

Amos Lee- "Morning"


Unknown said...

I agree, they are SO gorgeous, I really want one too :)

Unknown said...

PS Love the music today :)

C Mae said...

Flower Power!

Anonymous said...


*** said...

I am a huge fan of EmersonMade. She is amazing and her flower pins, clutches and clothing are just the best. I love the photohraphy as well. I did a flower and clutch giveaway around Christmas. My readers loved it.


Anonymous said...

These are beautiful touches. I love them on a wedding dress.

City Girl (EC1) said...

Perfect! So girlie and gorgeous :) I want to look that good in the supermarket! x

I Do Declare said...

I agree - I wish the look with those fabulous blooms was something I could pull off b/c it's adorable!

Alleen said...

Oh, I so love them! What a great idea and so many uses! Thanks for posting, I'm heading over there now! Cheers!

Sassy In The South said...

Gorgeous! I love her stuff.

Unknown said...

I love their ad campaigns- the propensity towards flowers and leopard just makes me happy. I'm presently lusting over their jeans and jackets- fabulous!

Southwest 2 Northeast said...

I have several EM pieces and love them, well, to pieces!!! My fav is the ribbons tunic! Gorg!!

Kerr said...

love her stuff!

.:Chelsey:. said...

I am so in love with flowers in my wardrobe right now, but mostly in my hair.I only have one F21 cardigan with a black flower on it. This post makes me want to put flowers on everything though! Thanks for the inspiration :)

melifaif said...

Yes, I have definitely seen some of these images on your blog before. She truly is lovely. Gorgeous. Talented. Creative.

MCW said...

I want the shoe flowers!

Pink Champagne said...

So pretty! On a shirt, clipped on shoes, tied around your waist... they are all fabulous! How do you choose?!

Unknown said...

OMG, I definitely fell in love too! They are gorgeous!

how i met your father blog said...

1. love the amos lee -- such a talent!!
2. i have been obsessed with emersonmade since seeing it in wedding photos - it is so chic and gorgeous -- and reminds me of carrie from satc!

SuddenlySouthernCyndi said...

My hats off to any woman who can pull off that look; namely, sporting a giant flower the size of a dinner plate! ;-)

Moosette said...

Love Emerson Made - she allows us all to add a little Carrie Bradshaw to our outfits :-)

Kelly said...

LOVE emersonmade! Her pictures are so gorgeous and definitely make me want to buy her looks.

UGA Bama Belle said...

I ADORE Emerson Made! I want (at least) one of everything! I've been lusting after an Emerson Made pretty for months now. Love.

Kelly Frances Dunn said...

I don't own any of it, would love to though :) I have seen this once before and swore I would take positive action to make it happen! LOVE

Rosa Navas said...


Carroll said...

Those flowers are fabulous! Thanks for sharing!!

Hannah said...

OMG, yes, I am totally obsessed with all of this stuff. Have not taken the plunge to purchase, but must do so soon.


Unknown said...

I am new to your blog and LOVE it! And oh my, these flowers are wonderful. They had a "wow" factor to everything...I will be checking out the website. Thanks for sharing. And if you have a button it will be added to my blog!