October 15, 2010

It's Friday. I'm in Love.

Happy Friday, everyone!! I hope you have fabulous plans for the weekend ahead. Thank you all so much for your sweet comments on my 'pink' post yesterday and for the encouraging words about my aunt. You all continue to amaze me with your kindness. Thank you!


Today I want to join Summer's blog party and share what I'm loving! You know how we roll on Fridays, gang!


1. The lovely Shannon from Simply Luxurious Life featured me today in her newsletter! If you don't read her beautiful blog you don't know what you're missing- scoot on over there now, and don't forget to sign up for her newsletter! Thank you so much, Shannon, you are just precious.

2. I'm working on a Christmas card design with Kate from Flapper Doodle. Have I mentioned how much I adore her?! If you still haven't visited her shop, I won't hold it against you as long as you promise to go immediately after you read this post :)


3. The new blog that the beautiful Brownies are writing to spread the word about
adoption. Please go visit and leave some love. I love you, Summer and Adam!


4. Some of the new blogs that I've found lately! So many wonderful finds! Here are a few...



5. Getting to see my besties next weekend!! Yay!


6. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was outrageous last night. I am going to LOVE this season. Miss Mal from Leggings are NOT Pants and I were burning up twitter last night during the premiere, so much fun, lady!!


7. This gorgeous post from Dawn at The Alternative Wife was making me swoon yesterday! I love the soft, dreamy colors and the little touch of fall.


Hope you have a happy Friday, lovelies! As always, I'll be back around later for some weekend wishes!

PS: You hear this song?? I thought I would do a little throw back today. I loved this Usher-Alicia Keys collaboration when I was in high school! You can crank it up if you'd like :)

Love to you all!

Music Info:
Artist: Usher & Alicia Keys
Song: My Boo


  1. so pretty as usual Julie! Just the other day I received 2 little prints from Flapper Doodle and they are now hanging in our bedroom, so cute!
    have a great weekend darling xoxo

  2. I have to tell you how much I have enjoyed your posts this week Julie - and have loved the music....PYT, Natalie Cole - and I love this Usher song :) We have the same tastes!!

    Gorgeous pics today!

    Have a wonderful week-end! xx

  3. 1. love this post.
    2. love this song choice.
    3. love the RHofBH (way better than DC...although that reunion part 1 was OOC).
    4. i'm working on my christmas cards...but they'll be on the humorous side.
    5. have a great friday and weekend!

  4. Such a beautiful post. And thank you so much for the mention. You truly made my day! Thanks sweetie!
    XO Piper

  5. Oh my gosh, that song sends me straight back to high school, lol!

  6. You always find all the cool blogs, I will have to check these out.

  7. Your posts always make me smile! The little white pumpkins are so cute...Have a great weekend!

  8. just framed the last of my flapper doodle prints for my library! i can't wait to hang them up! :D

  9. I love the Real Houswives Of BH ......It was so good and different from the rest! I hope you have a fabulous weekend.

  10. Julie - thank you very much for the mention and kind words. I enjoyed this post - your photos are beautiful. I just watched the first episode of RHOBH and it looks to be a fantastic new series. It's nice to hear you'll be watching it along with me.
    I hope your weekend is going well and thanks again for participating in the newsletter's reader spotlight! :)

  11. I love this post! So much eye candy! And, I totally agree on RHOBH ... definitely the best new season (DC is so NOT my thing!) !! Hope you're having a beautiful weekend!

  12. love love love that photo of Kate Moss at one of my favorite spots on earth .. the Beverly Hills Hotel


  13. I also recently found Sanity Fair and Katie Armour, and I love Mrs. Lillien! Off to check off the other two - thanks for the recs!


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