August 25, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Colorful Kate Spade

"She started her day with a squeal of delight."

(photos via google)

"She is quick and curious and playful and strong.
She is a voracious reader and a fantastic dancer.
She saves old snapshots, but always loses her umbrella.
Her emails pile up but she never forgets to call her grandmother.
She has $7 in change at the bottom of her handbag."


Music Info:
Artist: Amos Lee
Song:Sweet Pea


Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

ooh I want to be part of this post ;)

mrs.mfc said...

These pictures are so wonderful. You can almost get lost in them!! I have seen a lot of them already, but still found myself scrolling through them over and over :) Hope you have a great Wednesday!!

Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

So colorful!!! Love colorful!!

how i met your father blog said... gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

LOVE THIS POST. I saved half of these ads, the best outfit inspiration ever. And I think the little blurb at the end is cute too, too me. haha.

Andrea @ The Dawley Fam said...

I love Kate Spade! I really want to get a KS diaper bag!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post! Kate seems like such a fun girl! I love the vintage looking dress where the model is wearing a headband and blue tights... adorable. My eye glasses are Kate Spade and I've had them for years, they are timeless and I just keep changing the glass when my prescription changes... can't part with those frames. xo

A Real Housewife said...

i'm in love. these outfits are devine.

Staley Mc said...

Kate Spade always has the best ad ideas! They are all so beautiful!

Jo said...

Oh how I love Kate Spade ~ what a fabulous post!


All Things Cherish said...

Pretty pictures! They're so vivid and bright. Hope you're doing well!

Beth McC. said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE all the Kate Spade!! Great Post!!

Amanda said...

hi julie! i wanted to tell you that when i was on vacation in florida....we drove past a lilly store and i thought of you!!! :) i wasn't able to go in and look though. pretty pics today too! xoxo

Mama Pea said...

Great post! Everything is so pretty! I love all the colors. There are some great jackets and dresses and shoes. Oh my. So pretty!

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS POST! The colors are just fantastic!

Jamie said...

Love them all! Kate Spade has the prettiest things :)

*D* said...

great wordless wednesday! I love kate spade ads!

Unknown said...

Best ads....ever! :)

Buckhead Belle said...

Oh how I am obsessed with Kate Spade. This post made me so happy! xoxo

Pink Champagne said...

Kate Spade is pure perfection in my book. So classic and elegant, and so fun and colorful at the same time! Don't you just want to be each of the models in those photos? Such fun! XO

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Love this. So bright and cheery!

MCW said...

I love her ads! I want to step into each one!

melifaif said...

GREAT fun!!! Love the pieces of cake pic, as well as the map and girl! So cute. Happy back to school time!!!

Ashley @ The Sweet Life Studio said...

I heart Wordless Wednesdays!

Mrs. Potts said...

Absolutely stunning! The china pattern/fortune cookie/cocktail ring picture is my fave this time.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

What a delicious color explosion! Gotta love KS!

Hannah said...

I really could squeal with delight looking at these images. Can you imagine how much fun it would be to either be the photographer at one of these shoots or actually be in the photo shoot? That would be simply be a blast. All of these fun colors want me want to plaster a huge grin on my face!


Jen said...

I LOVE the many colors of Kate Spade!! Seriously, I want to buy everything KS makes!

A Babbling Brunette said...

Hey! Love your Wordless Wednesday also. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I've been following your blog for a while now. I think I just forgot to comment! :)


Love Kate! How could you not? These are all so fabulous, sweetie!

Hope you're having a fabulous week, love! xoxo

living well said...

Love it all!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm exhausted from our 'family week' this week, doing kiddie stuff every day (this is also why I'm catching up on everyone's blogs!), so this is exactly what I needed to see! I love Kate Spade! Her designs, use of colour... love!

Kerr said...

ah Kate you steal my heart!