August 16, 2010

Lilly, Lilly Everywhere!

You all know that I am among the Lilly lovers! Not as intense as some of my ladies, but my collection is growing.

I came across these gorgeous photos on the King of Prussia Lilly Store facebook page. My goodness it's gorgeous! The store got a recent makeover and it is amazing! Just from looking at the pictures, I know I could stay in there all day!



Store front! Doesn't it just welcome you in?

How much do you love the Lilly patchwork turtle?

 We all need a chandelier like that, if you ask me!

These are my kind of animal decorations! Wait until you see the bathroom!

Colorful displays that we love!

How gorgeous are these flowers? Love!

I am obsessed with this wall! What about you?

Prints, prints everywhere! I think this is a beautiful idea!

 See the little mice? How cute is that!

Lead a colorful life.

Do you see those lights??

Let's take a tour of the dressing rooms....

Philadelphia toile.

Gorgeous little tour of Florida.

Pink flamingos, of course!

The Lilly story painted on the wall.

Because it all started with a juice stand....

Color, color everywhere!

Now, if this isn't girly, I don't know what is!


Zebras in pearls in the guest bathroom!

(Photos here)


Seriously, how amazing is this boutique? I love it! I can only imagine what it would be like to stroll through shopping and trying on the latest Lilly fashions. Makes me giddy!

Here are some Lilly photos that I've found that go perfectly with this post. It's quite the Lilly celebration here today!

(Photos here)


Don't you just love all the color? It just makes for a happy day!
Want more Lilly in your life?

Click here to follow on twitter.
Click here for the facebook page.
And click here to browse their new fall pieces.

And I set one of these photos as my twitter background. Come check it out here!

That should be plenty of Lilly, right?


Have a beautifully colorful day, lovies!

Music Info:
Artist: Roy Orbison
Song: Pretty Woman


tara said...

Confession: I'm pretty sure I had never even heard of Lilly til I started following your blog! Can we still be friends??

Sweet Southern Prep said...

LOVE this post! You know I'm obsessed. :) Can't wait until the secret sale tomorrow.

Hannah said...

Such a fun Lilly post! I posted a few of the KOP Lilly store sometime in the last week or so. I would be in heaven just visiting it. The colors are amazing! Happy Monday, sweet girl!

Unknown said...

Wow! That boutique is unreal! They really knocked it out of the park with that one, so over the top FUN! Have you ever seen the Lillymobile car? I think its a Jeep, very cute!

Kristen said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that paintbrush wall!!

And I don't own a single Lilly piece... perhaps I should change that!

Ashley said...

Gorgeous, every single picture! I am in love with Lilly.

Anonymous said...

Adorable photos! I think her story is lovely and inspirational. I have 2 Lilly dresses I purchased from TJ Maxx and they feel so good to wear :)

Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

Can I have my house look like that???? It's impopssible not to be happy when you see all that!

Anonymous said...

There is a Lilly store on the island of Nantucket and they have a matching Lilly car parked out front! So much fun. xo

Buckhead Belle said...


Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

I've probably majorly missed the boat here, but I didn't know of Lily until i started following your blog - how beautiful! :)

Valerie said...

I was just going to write that I love all the color in these photos and in all the Lilly clothes and then saw that you wrote that too! These photos definitely brighten my day. Hope you had a great weekend!


*D* said...

absolutely fabulous!!

Pink Champagne said...

Oh how lovely - LOVE all that Lilly! Couldn't you just move into that store? So gorgeous! Hope you are having a fabulous day, darling!

this free bird said...

What a dreamy, dreamy store!!! I love the turtle so much. How fun! And how about that paint brush wall?? I think you should visit and report back ASAP! What a fun trip that would be.


Marcie said...

My family from North Carolina LOVE LP. I am sending them this link. Great job!

xo M

Deals, Steals and Heels said...

i wanna live in that boutique!! so fun =)

MCW said...

That store is amazing! I do love Lilly...well...most of it. Some of their stuff can be a little over the top/grandmotherish!

3 Peanuts said...

I am a HUGE Lily fan (although I do wear other things:) I love the Philly toile (I grew up near there)>

Amanda said...

guess what? i have never been to a lilly store and i don't have anything lilly! we just don't have it around here. those pictures are so amazing and it really makes me wish i owned something lilly. hopefully someday!

Kerr said...

wow what an amazing store! love all the pretty details

Mimi said...

their stores really are so colorful, cheerful, happy, and inviting! :D

<3, Mimi

Unknown said...

Amazing! I love all of the hand painted quotes and stuff! It looks like Anthro goes psychedelic! It is my secret dream to go to the King of Prussia mall, I hear it's awesome, we should have a blog meetup there! XX!

sara said...

How fun! Love the floral mural and everything about that fun boutique - I want to move in and never leave!

heather said...

Oh Goodness gracious alive!!!! That boutique is like going to color heaven! I love all these pictures. The turtle, the zebra bathroom, everything!

Dawn said...

I love the inside of the store. Especially the zebra room. I just stumbled upon your blog and thought I'd leave you a little note. Great blog. I am now following. =)

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

I CANNOT Take it! Oh my goodness, it is just too much to take in, That is a dream store! I want to go!!!

Thanks for sharing,

living well said...

I love it all!!

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

Oh my darling girl, you know I have been bursting at the seams dying to get over here to tell you how much I love this post! You are tres fab as usual to unveil the amazing KOP makeover photos (as if it wasn't perfectly amazing before!) I am one of the super lucky girls who lives less than 30 minutes away, so I can say first hand that the new decor is absolutely divine in every way - and that turtle in the entryway is charming beyond words!

Julie my lovey, you just need to scoot up here and I will take you for a Trishy-tour! :)

Kisses just for you xxoxoxxo

PS - Molly's comment made me giggle!!

Miles Of Style said...

omg this is one amazing store indeed! a delightful little haven of cute and quirky! thanks for sharing these awesome pics!

Poppies and Sunshine said...

What a charming place. I wish there was one here! It's so happy!

debra@dustjacket said...

The store just gives off the most amazing happy vibe, I just love it. So gorgeous.

Barbara von Enger said...

The store is so vibrant - and what colourful vibrations, too! xx

Unknown said...

My Kind of Store! You have an AWESOME blog. I love following you.
Come over and join along in my bloghop today!

mFw said...

Seriously what a fabulous post!!! I've hardly been at my computer lately (soroity work week) - Anyway I'm so glad I didn't miss this and you mentioned it in your post from today!!! Hope you're having a fabulous week!!!