August 9, 2010

Change is Gonna Come....

 (photos here)

Hello, everyone. I didn't want this to happen, but I'm going to have to take a little blog break. Maybe for a week or so, we'll see how it goes.

There's just a lot going on right now that I need to focus my attention on for a while. Lots of emotional things that I'm trying to deal with. I can't post happy things if I'm not feeling happy. You will find out soon enough about one of these things. I just can't share it now.

My love is going out to a special group of blog friends. I'm glad we have each other right now.

And thank you all for being so supportive. It makes my world a happier place.

I'll be back soon, you won't even have time to miss me.


While you're waiting check out my guest post for Helena.

Music Info:
Artist: Gavin Degraw
Song: Change is Gonna Come


Staley Mc said...

Will be thinking about you during your bloggy break! I will miss your posts!!

Kate Spears said...

am definitely keeping you in my prayers during your little sabbatical from blogging.....hurry back to us lovey dovey! sending sunny thoughts your way in the meantime! xoxo

Katie said...

I hope everything is okay and you come back soon. you'll be missed during your break! xoxox

btw- love love love gavin degraw Ive seen him in concert 5 times and my bf got to meet him Saturday at a wedding or one of the intrusment players for bon jovi sooo jealous!! ;/

Unknown said...

Sending you the biggest squeeze right now Julie....hope that whatever it is, it is all good very soon.

Thinking of you, take care,
Simone xoxo

Emily Kathleen said...

I hope everything is okay and we'll see you back soon! Sending you tons of warm wishes!

Anastasia Schembri said...

We all need a break every once in awhile. You entertain and amuse us on a daily basis, so you will surely be missed but we are here for you and will be here when you are ready to return!
Please take care of yourself my friend, I hate to think of anything that would make that smiling face of yours unhappy, hope the sun shines on you always!

Lindsey said...

julie you will be in my thoughts and prayers... please hurry back- we will miss you!

Cheryl said...

I'll miss you and I'll be thinking of you, Julie!

Heather said...

Will miss you! All the best, praying for you this morning. XoXo
Heather @

LEF said...

Hope everything is okay Julie! I'll miss your posts and all the adorable pictures you post while you're on your blog break!

Ashley said...

Thinking of you and hoping all is well. I look forward to your return.

Buckhead Belle said...

Thinking of you! Hope all is well! xoxo

ABC said...

I posted just for you today, love. I'm here if you need anything. xoxo.

Mama Pea said...

I hope all is well and I look forward to your return :)

Anonymous said...

Feel better girl :)

Anonymous said...

I hope everything gets better for you! I'll be praying!

Emily said...

love your blog julie! keep your chin up!

Jamie said...

We'll miss you! I'll be thinking about you this week :)

Summer Athena said...

I love you. So much. My arms are around you!


Hannah said...

Oh, sweetie, I hope you are ok! I will be thinking about you and say a little prayer!


Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

Many thoughts and prayers coming your way, Julie!

Morgan said...

Take care of yourself sweet girl. We'll be here when you return!

Anonymous said...

hope your ok!! we'll miss you while your gone!

Pink Champagne said...

Sending lots of love your way, Julie! You will be missed in blogland, but know that I'll be thinking of you and praying for you too! XO

melifaif said...

I feel ya sister. I just had to do it too. It is hard for me to post too when overall I feel lost and not so happy....please know that I am praying for you. I love you dear friend and will pray for all of this to pass. Many blessings....and FYI - I already miss you.

Anonymous said...

You'll definitely be missed! Thinking of you!

Meghan said...

You will be missed, Julie! I hope everything works out for you!

Anonymous said...

Just said a prayer for you lady. And I will keep them up! Gonna miss the heck outta you, but I totally understand needing a break...
Love, Love, Love You lady!

Charleston Girl said...

I hate to read this... boo. :( So sorry for whatever is going on - let me know if any of us int he blogosphere can help you with anything. Sending positive energy and prayers your way!

Sweet Southern Prep said...

Prayers headed your way! :)

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Tons of love. Im here for you.

DSS said...

Thinking about you...and some of my other blog friends as well :) Please take all the time you need. We will be here waiting for you when you are ready to come back.


Shelley said...

We will be here for you when you come back!!

Brittany said...

Thinking of you and sending prayers your way! xoxo

Mama B said...

We'll be thinking about you, Julie! I hope everything's going to be OK, and we'll be here for you when you come back and you're ready. :) ***hugs***

Unknown said...

Hope everything is okay! XoXo You will be missed! Take Care, see you soon!

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

Take your time, come back when you're ready. We'll be here when you do!! xoxo

Marcie said...

Take care of yourself, Julie. We will miss you, but you need to do what you need to do. We will miss you!

xo M

Day Old News said...

We love you, hang in there! Looking forward to your posts when you are having a sunnier time of things. :)

tara said...

lots of love and prayers headed your way! we will miss you!

sara said...

Your posts will definitely be missed, but first and foremost you must take care of yourself! Thinking of you and hoping everything is alright.

Brittany said...

I hope everything is okay Julie! I will definitely be thinking of you while you're gone. Hang in there! xoxo

Karena said...

Julie, take your time, I love your blog!

Come and join my giveaway it will help cheer you up!

Art by Karena

Miles Of Style said...

dear Julie,

i hope everything works out for you and you come back with your lovely posts'll be missed!


Kerr said...

hope things get better and you can come back soon! we will miss you!

Unknown said...

Look forward to your return...hope all is well.

K A T H L E E N said...

beautiful! come follow me xoxo

Unknown said...

Change unfortunately is inevitable!
You will be missed hun. Take as much time as you need...we'll all be here waiting with open arms.

richelle jean said...

so nice to find another sister in christ! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Come back soon. I'll be thinking of you.

this free bird said...

Oh Julie. I'm crying my eyes out over Bumpkin and staring at the emails we shared over the past months. Suddenly everything is meaningless.

Going to cry some more.

Love and hugs,

dana said...

I hope you are doing ok...

My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Ashley @ The Sweet Life Studio said...

MANY prayers coming your way!

Splenderosa said...

It must have been very difficult knowing the diagnosis. I have lost 2 girlfriends, who were like my sisters to me, we knew each other for decades; when they passed away I didn't think I could go on. So I completely understand, my darling girl. This is being written Tuesday evening, so the news has been out since Trish's posting. I am so sorry you struggled through this without your blog friends. Marsha

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

Take all the time you need! I hope you come back refreshed!

Cool Gal said...

Thinking of you Julie. I now completely understand why you are taking a break for a while. Lisa's passing is profoundly sad and so unexpected. Such a beautiful woman.

I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. May you find comfort in one another during this difficult time.

I will miss the "Bumpkin" greatly.