July 20, 2010

Thank You (And current giveaways!)


Your love and support is unbelievable. How did I manage to be so blessed to have you wonderful people in my life?

It seriously gives me chills when I think about the prayers that were said today for my family. I will be here no matter what any of you ever need. Your love is just too much for me to wrap my mind around. Thank you a million times over.


On a lighter note, so many people are showing love right now with giveaways on their blog! Here are a few I think you should check out!


Lilly Tote giveaway at  
The Company She Keeps

Kai Perfume Oil and Body Scrub giveaway at  
It's the World I Know

Lilly Mug and Cup giveaway at  

Vineyard Vines Bag giveaway at
The Preppy Pink and Green Puppy

Jewelry Giveaway at
Sweet Southern Prep


There are so many great giveaways going on right now! Now, head on over to these blogs, follow, and enter to win some fabulous preppy prizes!

There's a yummy 'wordless Wednesday' planned for tomorrow, sweeties! You don't want to miss it!



Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

you deserve all that love and you know what? even more!! xoxo

Unknown said...

May our prayers be heard! The power of LOVE & HOPE is amazing. Believe with all your heart...hang in there hun.

this free bird said...

Julie you are most welcome.

And thanks for the head's up on these giveaways. I'm going over right now.

ps- in all my blubbering I forgot to tell you about the ebelskiver giveaway I'm hosting. A couple pans + accessories and they make the most delicious little sweet or savory danish inspired filled pancakes EVER!

please stop by...everyone welcome.


Cool Gal said...

You're such a doll. Thank you.

I've been thinking about you all day. Sending prayers!

Morgan said...

I love that you update everyone on all the giveaways. very sweet. :) And no need to thank anyone - your blog is fab!

living well said...

Thanks for sharing these giveaways!

P.S. I left you an award on my blog!

Tiffany said...

Said a prayer for ya! I love coming to your blog, it always seems to make things seem "lighter," plus the music is awesome! =)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Sending big hubs your way!

Anonymous said...

Including your Aunt in my prayers Julie. Hugs!

Unknown said...

Many many prayers continue for your family. Heart you big time!