July 13, 2010

Show Me Your Teeth

 (Talk vampire to me.)

You knew it was gonna happen sooner or later that I would do a Twilight post. However, this one's got a little spice.

I rarely (if ever) mention risque topics on my blog. But let me tell you, these images of K. Stewart and R. Pattinson have me all hot and bothered. 

Seriously, someone please break it down, give me the equation that makes these two (together) ooze sex appeal. These are some of the most lustful images I've seen. Agree or disagree (Team Edward or Team Jacob), you can't deny these.are.hot. Mmmmmmm.

Show me your teeth, Patts....

And my personal favorite....Yes, Edward, please tie me up....

 (google images)


Will one (or more) of you lovely readers confirm that these two are indeed quite appealing together? Surely, I don't stand alone.

And how perfect is this Lady Gaga song? Oh, I'm in a great (and 'feeling kinda sexy') mood today!

Music Info:
Artist: Lady Gaga
Song: Teeth
Album: The Fame Monster


Dree said...

Okay, I LOVE this post. Not only is that my favorite Twilight quote, but hands down these are my favorite set of pictures. When VF first published them, I was a total Twi-Hard. I've since calmed down but I can still appreciate the glory of Robert Pattinson. They're adorable together!

Did you see the video on youtube of the VF shoot? It's so cute when they're preparing between each shot.

Have a fab day!

Sassy Amie said...

I have admit, I am not really into Twilight,HOWEVER, these pics are OOZING sex appeal! love it!

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge Twilight fan and these images are pretty much awesome. I honestly think it is because it's a little bit rugged, a little bit "dark" and to me, that's pretty darn sexy. Team Edward 100%!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

you know im a big Team Edward freak here! so I might be a bit biased... I love th VF shoot! so much, they look gorgeous together!

Claire Kiefer said...

They're definitely hot pictures, though I'm a little disturbed by how that last pic seems to be so altered--look how bony her legs look! I especially love the one where they're lying on the roses . . . so beautiful!

Lacey in the City said...

So I'm admittedly not super into the whole idea of Kristen Stewart-anything, but I saw "Remember Me" this weekend and now I do officially have a crush on Robert Pattinson. Have you seen that movie? If not, you TOTALLY should. It had me sobbing, and I love movies that can make me actually feel something.

Morgan said...

I'm not a fan of either of theirs...without the other. They make each other look better. Love the VF photos!

tara said...

these pics are amazing. they look SO good together! i just want them to get married and have adorable babies!!

Emily said...

Whoo girl! Someone needs to cool me down, LOL
These pics are HOT!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Girlfrand, they are absolute hotnes together. KStew is absolutely gorgeous! And Patts, well...I could just eat him up. And YES PLEASE, Tie me up!

Julie, your blog isn't showing up in my feed, weird?!

mrs.mfc said...

Those pictures are gorgeous! I'm not into the whole twilight thing.. but I think those two are beautiful together. Love Lady Gaga!! Glad you're in such a great (and sexy) mood today!!!

Buckhead Belle said...

YUM! R Patz is so hot! And you're right, there is something about the two of them together. I think they have amazing chemistry. Also, LOVE that quote... its one of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

I'll admit. I've never really be fond of Rob since the beginning. I've always been Team Taylor/Jacob and I couldn't understand what the big fuss was all about with Rob/Edward. I just didn't find him attractive.

However, I find him incredibly handsome/attractive/beautiful/masculine... etc. in these photos. Haha.

Unknown said...

Okay - So Julie! This was AMAZING!

When watching Twlight for the first time, I wasn't quite into Rob/Edward! The whole Idea of Vampires, was completely sexy... but I wasn't feeling it much for Edward. BUt, the more I watch his body language, the more he became appealing... I see him in a different light now!

Last night, My Love and Myself watched "Remember Me" --- He's so freaking Amazing, and Steamy I must add!

Him and K. Stewart are HOTT... agreed! These photos are too darn smokin'. I completely agree with you in all aspects!!!! He's incredible and yes... I, too want to see his teeth! :)


Pink Champagne said...

Confirmed: quite appealing indeed. I still haven't fallen to the Twilight craze, but it's only a matter of time until I get sucked into the books and movies...
Hope you're having a lovely day! XO

Ashley said...

Team Jacob here - but i certainly can't deny the "hottness" of these pictures. He's actually quite attractive when he's not pale and pasty!

Laura said...

Ok, so I am probably going to be unpopular here, but I am not really crazy about either of them- especailly Kristen Stewart. I just don't think Rob is handsome enough to play the Edward from the book and while I think Kristen looks the part of Bella I think she is incredibly ungrateful. (I do however see all of the movies.)That being said, I DO think that these pictures are awesome and they have a lot of amazing chemistry in them. This is probably the best I have seen them.

Heather said...

Since I'm such a Twihard, I've seen most of these already but seeing them all together, sheer sexiness. Thanks thanks and more thanks.
Heather @ www.savingmoneylivinglife.com

I'maNolaGirl said...

Oooohhh! Steamy, steamy! I will admit I am on Team Jacob, but these photos might sway me. I love the one of the two of them going down the stairs. So romantic!

PS - I usually think she photographs pouty and cold, but she really looks warm here.

The Barker's said...

love LOVE love twilight and can't get enough of Robert and Kristen =) Jacob is super hot too!!!

melifaif said...

They do make a striking couple...and I am {gasp} NOT a Twilight fan..{shock} Never seen or read one book. {oh-em-gee.} She photographs much lovlier than she looks live and in action...usually she appears so odd to me. Uncomfortable, perhaps?

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

ooooo loveeeeeeee this! i love them. i love you for posting this!

sara said...

Downright smoldering. I'm not quite sure what it is about the two of them (and I'm not really a fan of hers, despite the fact that I love Twilight), but they definitely work together. He does look very hot in these pictures, but I must admit that I thought Jacob looked far better in this last movie!

georgia ~ gi gi said...

Oh, these images are stunning, beautiful, and hot for sure!
She does look beautiful all glam!
gi gi

a. said...

Saw this post and had to follow!
I agree those pictures are stunning

Lauren said...

Looove this post! And Twilight. :) But K.Stew NEVER looks this pretty and glamorous in real life... She's always so emo-looking and awkward. Which kind of makes me wonder why R-Pattz likes her so much!? He's just so... Steamy. Seems like a waste of a SUPER hot guy!

DSS said...

Absolutely agree!! It's hard to take your eyes off of them!

Gwen said...

QUITE appealing. Love you.

beckylbranch said...


meredith said...

the photos where they are outside in that open field sorta, kinda drive me crazy too!