June 21, 2010

Starting the Week Off Right! Giveaway Time!

 (Cause we've got a giveaway!!)

Good morning and happy Monday, darlings! Hope you had a fabulous weekend! Not too much to report here, just class, class, and more class. I also came over to my parents house to for Father's Day. Other than that, very chill.


Alright lovies, what better way to start the week than with a giveaway? Am I right?

Sweet Miss Aly and I have teamed up for an absolutely great giveaway! You're gonna be lucky if she and I don't just split the winnings ourselves! Just kidding.

A couple weeks ago we both contacted two great ladies that own their own little shops, Molly from Tutu Cute and Dawn from Lydia & Pugs to see if they would be interested in sponsoring this giveaway with one of their fabulously adorable products. And they said yes!!

So, of course, we have to do a little feature on these two darling ladies:


She designs everything from headbands, to shirt appliques, to little girls and boys shirts and darling rosette necklaces.


Dawn designs custom notecards, notepads, aprons, totes, pillows, mugs (the list goes on and on) featuring you and your favorite little fur baby.

 Now, what you've been waiting for! Here's what can be yours!

1. A custom designed rosette necklace from Molly. You pick your colors!

2. A set of 10 custom designed notecards and coordinating envelopes from Dawn! Yep, you and your doggy!

Yes, both of these will be yours if you win!

Now for the rules. Read carefully!

1. Leave a comment on mine or Aly's blog that you want to be entered.
2. You must follow Molly and Dawn on Facebook. Click their names for their pages.
3. If you don't have facebook then follow mine or Aly's blog.

Got the rules?? Leave ONE COMMENT for everything! You can, however, leave a comment on both mine and Aly's blogs for 2 entries! 

Yep, that's it! Easy peezy! The giveaway will close Thursday night at 12 a.m.
Good luck, everyone!


Unknown said...

oooo what a fun give away! i loooooove that necklace!

happy blog follower!

Jennifer said...

Love the necklace and notecards. What a great giveaway!

love jenny xoxo said...

This is sooo cute! I would love notecards with my puppies on them!! And they necklace is super summery and fun as well! I "liked"
Lydia & Pugs & TuTu Cute by Molly on facebook, it's fun checking out their stuff, so cute!!! Definitely sign me up for the contest!!
Thanks! XOXO

Neely said...

Following you!

Neely said...

follow molly

Neely said...

following Aly leaving a comment on her blog too!

Neely said...

following Dawn on facebook!

Laura said...

yayy!! those are sooo freaking cute! :) love love love them. I'm following both of them on FB (actually browsing through their items right now... )

Anonymous said...

Following molly!

Anonymous said...

Following Dawn!

Anonymous said...

Following Aly!

Anonymous said...

Following you! Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

I'maNolaGirl said...

Oh goodness - these are fabulous!! I am now following both of these talented ladies on facebook. Thanks!!!

mFw said...

What a fun giveaway! I "like" both pages on fb!

alex said...

how exciting! I am following everyone!!!

Jessica said...

Hi there! I found your blog through Aly's! I am a new follower!

Jessica said...

I would also like to be entered into the giveaway!

By the way, check out my blog, I'm hosting a giveaway today too!

Brittany said...

I want to win!

Brittany said...

I follow you and Aly of course :-)

Kate said...

What a fantastic giveaway!

I am now a fan of both dawn and molly of facebook.

I am a follower of your fabulous blog too!

Claire @ Completely Claire said...

Love it! I am following the two fab ladies on facebook! Yah! Great giveaway! Thanks:0)

Laura B said...

OMG this is such a good giveaway! I would loooove some cards with me and my little kitty, my pride and joy. I'm a follower of all and like on facebook :)

ABC said...

Happy Monday, indeed! I'd love to win :)

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

love it sweetie, the notecards are so cute!! pretty pretty thanks!!
happy follower here too :D

Brittany said...

I am following both on facebook and your blog. Great giveaway!!

Rouky said...

What a fantastic give away! I would love to win (and my cavalier king charles spaniel too)!

Unknown said...

Great Giveaway!
LOVE the notecards. I'm a Stationary Queen!

LeAnn said...

I am following you and Aly blog cause I cant do facebook at work. I love this giveaway!!!

Lauren said...

Awww I follow of your blogs and will follow them on fb! Thanks for offering such a great giveaway :)

Miss E said...

I love this whole giveaway!!! I am now following them on facebook and I am also following Ally and now your blog!!

KW said...

i'm LOVING this giveaway and am now following you!!! i want to win :)

Jami - XOimagine said...

Lovely giveaway my dear! Loving the necklace + notecards! Cute cute cute!

In honor of my 1 year blogiversary, I’m hosting a RUG giveaway over at i m a g i n e! Come on over to enter :)

xo - jami
i m a g i n e

Jami - XOimagine said...

Just "Liked" both Molly & Dawn on their FB pages :) I love those little pugs!

Kristi said...

Love the necklace! Followed them both on facebook. Can't wait.

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

I wanna win! Love the necklace...plus I am a follower.

krystal said...

How cute!
I am following both of you lovely ladies and I added them on Facebook! :)

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

I follow you both :)

DeeGeeRN said...

Please enter me in the giveaway! Thanks

DeeGeeRN said...

Just signed up to be a follower

Ashley said...

I'm a new follower - found you from Aly's blog. I'm super excited about your giveaway. LOVE the little puggers! =D

beckylbranch said...

thank you for your sweet comment and I am glad I found your blog :) Yippeee!!! What a great giveaway too! I would love to be entered. And I'll follow all ya'll on facebook!

Miss Muddy Paws said...

I absolutely love your blog! This is first comment to be entered.

Miss Muddy Paws said...

I'm a follower

Miss Muddy Paws said...

I also follow Dawn and Molly on facebook!

Mrs. D said...

I'm a follower of course, and now I'm following Molly and Dawn on Facebook!

Breezer said...

Such a fun giveaway :-) I follow both you and Aly.

how i met your father blog said...

i'd love to be entered, please!!

how i met your father blog said...

and i follow you on GFC!!

happymjc said...

I love Lydia and Pugs. Ordered my brother's GF some adorable stationary for her birthday and have always wanted some of my own! Waiting for the perfect time to treat myself!

Thanks for the awesome giveaway, your blog is just adorable!!

Beamer said...

Yah!!! I'm so excited! I wanted to buy some of Dawn's stationary with my Pug & me. I've just graduated from college and no job yet, therefore no monies! :( But this awesome giveaway makes me very excited!!!

I don't have a blog, but here's my email! :)

Just Add Walter said...

awesome! I want; to be entered!

Just Add Walter said...

I am a new follower

Pink Champagne said...

Oh my goodness - what fabulous prizes! I am loving the necklace and cards equally - tres adorable. I'm a follower of yours!

Mrs. Pick said...

I love this giveaway! I follow you and Aly and I am following Molly and Dawn on FB!

Summer Athena said...

to my southern sista. what a fab giveaway. i love you. you know that right?

1. i "liked" molly and dawn!

2. i follow you everywhere. lol.

3. going over to aly's to leave a comment. love her too.


katie said...

I'm following Molly and Dawn - and HOPE I can be a winner of the great looking prizes!

Af said...

Awesome giveaway! I'd love to win!! :)

Anonymous said...

SOOOO happy you told me about this!! MUAH lady!

Anonymous said...

I follow Molly

Anonymous said...

I follow Dawn!

Anonymous said...

I follow Aly now...how did I now know about her or her awesome blog!?

Carroll said...

What a fabulous giveaway!! I follow your blog. :)

Jules said...

Please count me in and I love that you can customize all of these wonderful prizes! I follow your blog and I now like both Molly and Dawn's shops on Facebook.

Mama B said...

What a fun giveaway! :)

I'm following Molly and Dawn on FB now!

Katie S said...

I would LOVE to win this!! I had it bookmarked to enter and just now remembered!!!


Follow Molly and Dawn on Facebook..

Also follow Aly now!!!

Wacie's Way said...

LOVE this giveaway!!

Scarlett said...

How fUn!
I follow all 4 of y'all!! :)

Anonymous said...

i'm a follower :)

and thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway!

Belen said...

following! and i totalllllly want the notecards! i've bought some of her return address labels before and i looooove them! i'm down two, like, 2, which means i def need to order more!

Blissfully Enamored said...

PICK ME!!!!!

I have become obsessed with Lily and Pugs stuff! I was just looking last night trying to find something to order! LOVE IT!


Blissfully Enamored said...



Lacey in the City said...

What a great giveaway! Would love to play!

Heather said...

I'm a follower, duh! :) Who wouldn't wanna be?! and I'm so up for winning this giveaway. Would love for you to come link up again at Fab Friday if you get the chance, dear.
Heather @ www.savingmoneylivinglife.com