April 7, 2010

Some Pretties

For lack of a better post, here are some pretties for you on this pretty Wednesday.....

Happy Wednesday, everyone! I'm getting my hair done today.....color and maybe...bangs? I had them once before and loved them. We shall see. I will have pictures to share this evening whatever I decide!


(Photos via weheartit)


Traditions By The Seasons said...

Can't wait to see your hair..fun, fun! Love your pretty picks! =) ~Liz

Morgan said...

So pretty!

Neely said...

That post just put me in the best mood!!!!

Jessica said...

OMG. I want that ring!!!!

Annemarie said...

Oh everything is so gorgeous! That ring and those flats are beyond amazing. Have fun at your hair appointment! I say go for bangs- I love having them. Have a great day gorgeous XOXO

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

ooo that ring, that ring, that ring!!!! I love it.

Annie said...

love the photos!
can't wait to see your hair!
have a great wednesday :)

brooke said...

i love LOVE how those tops are hung on that rope!!! what a great idea for a store! so cute!!!!

can't wait to see the new hair!!!!

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Such gorgeous pics!

Gabby said...

Lovely pictures! Happy Wednesday to you, lady!

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

Love these photos. They look very vintage.

I like bangs, but usually when I get them, I only get them once. After they start growing out, I just let them. Bangs are cute though!

Mrs Anne said...

fabulous and lovely pics. :)
truth be told, i've never seen a firefly in real life :( sad huh??

:) can't wait to see the new hair!

Trish said...

oh girl I can't wait to see your hair...I need highlights BAD!!!!!

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

YAY! Go for the bangs honey! I bet you would look like a little doll with them!

I need everything in that first shot. SO CUTE! Great pics!! XOOX

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ohhhhh, lightning bubs. Love that magical photo. I wish we had them here!

Leigh said...

i like this post. i'm finding myself more and more drawn to vintage jewelry... and i'm really not a huge jewelry wearer. but your pretty pictures grabbed my eyes!!