Happy Easter weekend, y'all! I didn't ask yesterday, but what are your plans for the weekend? Anything fun? I will admit I'm pretty excited about my Easter dress for church on Sunday and coloring eggs with my sweet ten year old cousin. And my mom may or may not have put together an Easter basket for me....Yes, I know I'm 23, what of it?? Most importantly though, I truly enjoy the church service on Easter Sunday. It's always so refreshing and really uplifts me.
In celebration of the Easter holiday I found some very entertaining pictures of the iconic Easter Peeps. Enjoy!
It's a boy? It's a girl? It's a peep!
Snug as a bug in a rug
I wish they all could be California
Make it work!
Peep + Sushi = Pushi!
Follow the yellow brick road!
I'll get you my pretty!
Just say no....
Happy Easter, everyone!
(Peeps photos via google)
My Mom makes a "family basket" for us now, because the older I get the less candy I consume... so my basket was usually eaten by others anyhow! I tried talking her into just buying me an Easter gift(ahem,shoes), but she didn't go for it! haha... a girl has to try!
I love the dress I bought for Easter too... I just worry my pale legs will scare the small children!
Love the peep pics :) Happy Easter lovah!
I love the Peep pics! Too cute!
You're never too old for an Easter basket! I hope yours is full of goodies!
Lovely images!
Happy Easter to you.
This pictures is so funny!!hihi!^^
Sushi + peeps= Pushi That's the cuteness! Have a great Easter weekend!
Such a fun post! I needed that today :-) As for peep, my fave!!
Love the peep pictures!! You always have the most adorable pictures! Happy Easter:)
Happy Easter!! It's Peeps time. Woo hoo!!
Those peeps are so cute!
spending easter with my peeps (haha) by the seashore...with a sweet sunrise service and then brunch. love your blog!
kate a' la southern belle simple
I hope you're having a blessed Easter, hun!
Hope you had a great Easter...I want to see your dress:)
thank you for the sweet comment on my blog!
happiest easter to YOU!
i think you're never too old for an easter basket! ;)
love these peep pics!
oh! and i'm your newest f♥llower!
I love all the Peep art! I'm going to have to go get some on clearance tomorrow.
I love the Project Peepway and the plumber one. Hilarious and cute...
I gave you an award on Friday!! (I'm a little late announcing it!)
Hope you had a great weekend!
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