January 8, 2010

I'm on hiatus (just for a little while)

I know, I know, a hiatus is much longer than a couple days, but I like that word. So I'm using it. La tee da.
And you already know why....

Cause these two ladies are coming to town!

Yay!!! That's Lauren on the left and Kelsey in the middle and yours truly :) Weren't we lookin' fab?? It was our 'Little Black Dress' sorority function.

So, my point is I'm going to be soaking up every bit of these two ladies this weekend, so I might not be around much. But when I come back, hold on, girls, cause there will be a monster post!

I love you all too, I just REALLY love these beauties (soulmates).

And don't forget to read Rasha's guest post below and leave her some lovin'!

Have a fantabulous weekend!



ABC said...

Please tell them both I love them! I love you, too, of course :) Have a great weekend!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Have fun with your friends and make some fun memories! Can't wait to read your upcoming posts. =) Hugs, Liz

P.S. Love your dress in that picture....gorgeous! =)

Anonymous said...

you guys look fabulous (:


meredith said...

have a great weekend! you ladies seriously look super AMAZING!! gorgeous!!! xoxoxo

Kori said...

You look gorgeous honey! I hope you girls have a great time! Kori xoxo

Kori said...

Oh, by the way, I love the new blog look! Kori xoxo

Unknown said...

We will miss you but have a fabulous time!

Iva Messy said...

have a great time with your friends!!

Sweet, Sassy, Southern and Classy said...

i just LOVE a good girl's weekend! I hope you have a fabulous time! what sorority were you in?

Anonymous said...

Have fun with your girls!

Unknown said...

Great picture! Y'all have fun!

Unknown said...

Have fun this weekend! My twin is coming next weekend to visit, so I'll be having myself a little girl's weekend too!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Have fun painting the town with the ladies!! You girls are darling in your little black dresses!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Hope you had a fabulous time with your ladies. You all look great in your LBDs!